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Event Items


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: cynnq
In every seasonal event, the currency needed to purchase event items, wearables, etc., are quite hard to get. I was wondering if we could have the option to see how each hat or accessory would look on our character (ex: winter waltz hat items) before purchasing. It would lessen the possibility of us not liking what we purchased and would save our hard earned currency from being wasted.


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW
Hello @Cindy!!

Thank you for suggesting this idea!! I definitely see the appeal in adding this feature! I will bring your suggestion up to the team and we will discuss it. Once the leadership team has made a final decision I will let you know so make sure to keep an eye on this thread! Have a wonderful day and enjoy the holidays!!


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW
Hello @Cindy!!

Thank you for this creative idea! I'm pleased to let you know that we will be implementing your suggestion! This is something we are planning on adding to the In-Game Store in the future. We will also be adding options to view cosmetics from the Voting Token Store and Arena Token Shop.

We appreciate all suggestions and feedback we receive and we really hope you continue to share any ideas you have with us in the future! Thank you again and have a spectacular day!


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Greetings, @Cindy !

I'm happy to inform you that this is now live in the In-Game Store! There are a range of new NPCs added, one in the Miscellaneous section which displays event cosmetics obtained from any event in the past, and which event they are from.

Thank you for the suggestion again and I hope you have a magical day!