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February 2024 Hidden Coupon - Found

Greetings, witches and wizards!

We are excited to announce the release of this month's hidden coupon! Each month, we release riddles and puzzles around the world and on our store, with the first to crack the codes and find items in-game winning the month's coupon. This month we have continued integrating feedback to make the hunt even more enjoyable. Our hidden coupons are released each month during the third weekend.

This gift card can only be obtained by one lucky player and is hidden well. It is difficult but rewarding to find!

Each gift card can only be obtained once and will give the player who finds it $5.00 to spend for free on our store! Owned coupons can be checked in /me and are valid for 6 months from release. These can be used to purchase items from our store and also lower the price you have to pay for items.

For this month's hidden gift card... Bare with us and head to the store to find a fuzzy friend!

Update (March 3, 2024):
We are thrilled to announce that the February 2024 hidden coupon has been found! Thank you to everyone who put their effort and time into searching for it. We hope that the puzzles in this month's coupon hunt were enjoyable.

While the coupon is now found, you can still search for it using our store hint if you want a challenge! The hints are removed once the next hidden coupon is released, but you can still encounter the puzzle on the server.

Please see below for this month's hidden coupon solution and the winners so far!

The February 2024 hidden coupon required players to solve a five-piece puzzle, where they were searching for items around the map. This time, the riddles related to NPCs around the world that the player has helped through quests and other activities. The Potterworld Wiki was a great tool to use to find the NPCs that fit the riddles.

Players could find the first clue on the store to start their journey. The "Bare with us and head to the store to find a fuzzy friend" in this website post helped narrow the search on our store. It hinted at a bear-like cosmetic, namely the Pet Teddy Bear.

The initial hint was in the Pet Teddy Bear description on the store: In order to find the February 2024 hidden coupon, you need the help of those found around the world. To begin your adventure, help! I have been lost and need to be found!

The clue hinted at the Lost and Found quest, where players help Larry. Therefore, players had to head to his house in Eldham Ridge to find the Pet Teddy Bear model in his attic at 3321 138 8695. This resulted in the players receiving the following message: You completed the first part of the February 2024 hidden coupon. Here is the riddle for the next item on our journey: Thank you for finding me! Such a long hunt, perhaps a sickly sweet brew can quench your thirst and bring you closer to the end!

The new riddle brought players to The Enchanted Pumpkin Company, which they visited during the Brew Your Brew quest. In this quest, the players were helping Ophelia Alton brew and deliver Pumpkin Punch. When walking upstairs to the first floor, players could find the Tango Rose Hat model on the floor next to some pumpkins at 2995 62 -71. The players received the following message when finding it: You completed the second part of the February 2024 hidden coupon. Here is your next riddle: You're getting closer! The next lovely item will require bravery and deep thinking to venture on a rocky pass. Maybe you find a good old friend wearing blue along the way!

The next riddle referenced the Virginia Evans NPC, who is wearing a blue dress. Players help this NPC while doing the repeatable D.A.D.A. Reputation task in Tristmoor. The NPC can be found near the path outside of Tristmoor, and the rocky pass refers to a cave close to the NPC. In the cave, players could interact with The Heart Staff model at 2868 44 10658 to receive the following message: You completed the third part of the February 2024 hidden coupon. The riddle for the next item follows: Don't give up just yet! Now's the perfect time to stop and smell the flowers before finding the hidden coupon!

Players could find the fourth item, the Buddy Backpack Warp Key, by heading to Emiliah Yiles' flower shop in Gnollberg Port. The yellow-coloured word "flowers" hinted that the NPC was wearing a yellow flower crown. This NPC was visited during the Tale of Corruption quest, where players helped another NPC with an upcoming mayoral election. Players could find the Buddy Backpack Warp Key model on the ground floor behind a plant at 5165 9 1739. The following message was shared with the player when they found it: You completed the fourth part of the February 2024 hidden coupon. You find a written note in the backpack that contains the following writing: Only one more item to find, before the hidden coupon is yours to claim. Let's leap on our way to find a special someone to be saved by a true love's kiss! Be sure to remember the friends you've encountered throughout this journey!

The hidden coupon could be found by combining the information gained throughout the journey. The store hint and last riddle suggested that the player must remember the names of the NPCs they visit during the hunt. By combining the first letter of each name, players received the keyword "LOVE", which hinted that the final item would be somewhere love-related. The last riddle suggests that the player should find the Pet Frog Prince, who can only be saved by a true love's kiss! This led to the church in Wigtown, and the player could claim their hidden coupon at 2486 27 5856.

  • February 2024: _Navyy
  • January 2024: _Navyy
  • December 2023: _Navyy
  • November 2023: Ellibear
  • October 2023: fxndomgeek
  • September 2023: evphorics
  • August 2023: Idris_
  • July 2023: _Navyy
