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Feedback: Drooble's Order

Atreus | iffysou1

Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: iffysou1
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Linked
Droobledoor's order is arguably one of my favourite adds to the server. You get free items, a fancy star, and many other amazing things. Even emotes! Which I've always wanted it added, so I'm really glad that it was. I have a few suggestions, to go along with this feedback, which I'll get too later.

What I like about Droobledoor's Order: When buying it, you get a hat, pet, star beside your name, and wand, along with a customized outfit, and emotes. Which you don't get when buying things like the Phoenix pack or the Dark Follower pack. Though there are a few things I don't like about the pack. On one hand, you get all these amazing items for relatively cheap, but on the other hand, you have to keep spending money to buy it. Which I know it probably won't become a permanent buy for people, but I can't help but make a suggestion for it. If not being able to make it a permanent purchase, why not make one to where you can buy it for a year? It'd be easier for some people to buy, along with having it never run out. You could also add extra things for the people who buy the 6 month and 1 year pass, just extra items since they've spent a lot of money on it, along with being in the Order for a long period of time! Just to show that they're appreciated and stuff.

Now that's all for my suggestions and feedback. So all in all, Drooble's Order is definitely an amazing purchase that people should definitely buy! While the chat isn't super active, sometime's great things like this happen! Overall, I'm really glad to have bought it, and have a wonderful time with people!

(This is an old picture from when I first bought Drooble's Order in 05/08/2022)


Minecraft IGN: Ismoo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Linked
Hiya @GhostlyKade !

I have arrived with great news! We will be introducing a 1-year/12 month package for Drooble's Order shortly. We would also like to introduce a special addition for those who purchase a long package, and will be sending out feedback for what that special addition may be within the coming weeks.

Thank you for this suggestion, and I hope you have a good day/night!

Jae ⊹₊ ⋆

Minecraft IGN: xMye
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Class Design SPEW Lead Arena Master Lead Linked Faerie
Hello @Atreus | ethxnTM

This suggestion has been changed to a decline. We decided to incorporate new Drooble's Order additions to all members, not just those who purchase a 6-month plan. This has been evident in our recent releases which include the exclusive broom and minigame win effects!

Regardless, thank you for the suggestion. We truly appreciate it. I hope you have a wonderful day/night:serpent: