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Feedback on the loadout feature.


Minecraft IGN: TheVirgoKid101
Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire
I really like the idea of making gear not usable while dueling, but-
-Higher years have more of a selection for spells.
-Higher years have gained more spell points from leveling to make their spells more powerful.
SO dueling isn't 100% fair yet, but bc of the update you added it's more fair then before, bc not everyone grinds mobs, so therefore they have less gear, and dueling is harder for them.
(And I went to the testing class, and it was a wonderful experience.)
Can't wait for it to be fully released.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: EdenLovesMommy
Auralock Dark Follower Raven
The entire point of levelling is to get new spells. It's supposed to give you an advantage. This gives lower years a better chance, but not an entirely level playing field. THIS IS INTENDED


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven
it wouldn´t really make sense for higher level players to not have an advantage in dueling. it's a main incentive to level up and realistically, older wizards/higher level wizards would always have the advantage of more knowledge and experience and more spells. Dueling doesn't have to be perfectly equal, as long as skill plays an important part. It would be really strange for first years to have the strongest spells, especially if they were as strong as grad's spells. why bother levelling up if you have already got the best spells and they are already very strong?
Also, introducing new spells slowly every level gives players time to familiarise themselves with each new spell and creates its own anticipation for each new level, instead of just having all the spells at the start.

basically, higher levels have to have an advantage because it's an incentive to improve and it makes no sense to make lower levels equal with higher


Minecraft IGN: PinkWeezie
Honeybadger Auralock Vampire SPEW
Hello @Yellow_Flower!

Thank you so much for your feedback on this feature and for everyone else's opinions on this thread as well. We really appreciate you taking the time to bring your thoughts/concerns to us through the forums. Feedback is extremely important to the server and we love to hear everyone's opinions on the updates we put out.

Having stronger spells as you level up is a very important part of climbing the years and it would not make much sense for beginners to start out with every spell. Not only would it be overwhelming, but it would also break the scaling aspect of Potterworld. However, we do really appreciate your concerns for duelling as well as your opinions on lower vs higher levelled players. We especially love to see that you are enjoying the Loadout feature that we are planning on fully releasing.

I am going to be marking your thread as 'Feedback' since there is not necessarily a suggestion and therefore we can't really decline/accept the thread. However, we really appreciate your feedback for the recent update and just your overall feelings on certain aspects. We will definitely be taking all of this into consideration, so thank you for letting us know your thoughts! Hope you have an amazing rest of your day/night!