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Fix house commands spam.


Minecraft IGN: MagmaC4
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
There are 25-30 house commands and they all appear when you type /house help. I have two suggestions to help fix this issue.

1. Have different pages for the house commands. Each page would have 10 house commands on it. This helps stop the spam a bit and wouldn't be that annoying since there are only 3 pages.

2. Make a new house commands GUI. When you type /house it would bring up a GUI that shows all the commands as an icon. You could also access it on the top left of the house elf menu. If there's not enough space for all the commands then some commands could be combined into one icon. For example /house biome and /house biomelist would appear in a smaller GUI once you click an icon named Biome Commands. Each command would have its description in the icon lore. I'm more in favor of this option because it would be less confusing for new players and even old players, and I think it would look a lot more better.


Minecraft IGN: nathan1e
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
I like this suggestion very much! Personally I think option 2 would be the best option, so I'm curious what the staff members have to say about this.


Minecraft IGN: d3ci
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
Hello there! I am now going to forward your idea to the rest of poltergeists team so we can discuss it and come back with a response as soon as possible. Thank you for your suggestion!


Minecraft IGN: d3ci
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked

We have discussed your idea and we have decided that we are accepting it! We like the idea and we would love to possibly implement one of the suggestions you typed above, as we would prefer to have a clearer and easier to use commands list.
Thank you for your suggestion, we really appreciate it!


Minecraft IGN: Ismoo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Linked
Hii @MagmaC4 !

I bring good news, as this is now complete! We have created a menu that opens upon typing /house which shows all the key commands in an accessible way. Please note that you can still view the full commands list by typing /house help in chat. This is live as of our most recent patch note, which you can view here.

Thank you once again for this suggestion, and I hope you have a good day/night!