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Gameplay Update 1.2.3 [March 15th 2021]


Minecraft IGN: apaulled
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Sr. Game Designer Linked
game patches and improvements.png
Hello everyone! The Unspeakables team has prepared another mid-update patch for you all! Please keep in mind anything in the "Upcoming Content" section is subject to change and not set in stone, nor do we have a release date guaranteed for any of it.

New Content
  • Added "Heist of Darkness" quest (Level 42)
  • Completing Cursed Forces now gives you access to a Rushstone > Gnollberg Port fast travel
Changed Content
  • Several more graduate quests have been made re-enterable
  • All live world minigames now display their difficulty and reward in the screen before entering
  • Reduced cooldowns in the 1v1 Arena minigame
  • Increased the duration of Lumen to 5 minutes
  • Coordinates now show for in-progress and complete quests in years 1, 2, 3, 4 & 7 in the Quest Journal
  • The cooldown on the Warp Key is now 7 minutes (It was reduced to 5 yesterday, but re-evaluated given the next point)
  • You can now unlock a second warp slot in your Warp Key, and there is an additional given slot permanently set to Hogsworth
Upcoming Content (subject to change)
  • We're looking to add more methods of fast travel, locked behind new and/or existing quests
  • We will be adding some higher-level content to Hogsworth
  • The Magical Compass will include all quest starting locations, and you will be able to set this by clicking the quest in your Quest Journal
  • You will be able to view the coordinates at which a quest starts during the quest
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Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked
EPIC UPDATE!! Looking forward to using these new changes. They sound very exciting!!


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Thrashaba
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
The warpkey update is just amazing. And new mid-level quest! WOWOW. Thanks for another awesome update!