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Gameplay Update 1.7.4 [September 2nd 2022]


Minecraft IGN: xAutumnn
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven VIP Linked

Hey! Today the Engineer & Game Design Team brings an update and balancing patch for Magic & Combat on the server! In this patch, the Engineers and Game Designers discussed balancing changes for spells, talents, and the revenant gauntlet, alongside some new spell reworks. Those working on these changes worked hard to ensure that we utilized the information we've seen on the forums from players, and carefully came to decisions that we felt would be more balanced and in-line with our server's 'vision'. We hope you guys enjoy the changes!

Spell Reworks
Blizzix has a completely new functionality, and is no longer a cosmetic spell!

The spell is now a projectile, that conjures an AOE on the target. The AOE moves with the target for a duration of time, and it does the following: removes nausea, poison, jump, levitation, and spell silences, along with removing fire and adding fire resistance. This spell affects the main target, along with anyone in the target's radius, including the original caster. Visually, the spell is a white and blue projectile, and summons white and blue swirls around the target when hit. the AOE is filled with snowy white particles on the ground, as well as some falling from the sky, almost like a blizzard has taken form around the target. This spell can be self cast, by shifting.

- Base Range: 35
- Base Radius: 3
- Duration: 5s
- Base Cooldown: 25s (21s in PVP Stats)
- Mana Cost: 35
- Increased hitbox size
- Has shift to self cast mechanic
- Projectile shoots through Shield Spells

Magmify has been completely reworked and we hope it'll be much more usable than it was in the past!

The spell is now a ground projectile AOE spell. It targets the block underneath you, and then spawns 9 slow traveling floor projectiles that shoot outwards in a triangle-like shape. When hit with the projectile, it does initial damage and slows the target for a short duration. When cast, the caster receives a fire resistance for a short duration. Note: The radius talent/gear stats do not affect this spell in any way.

- EDIT (9/3/22) Base Cast Time: 1s
- Base Range: 12 (can be affected by range stats)
- Base Slowness Duration: 1s (can be affected by debuff duration stats)
- EDIT (9/3/22) Base Cooldown: 21s (18s in PVP Stats)
- Mana Cost: 30
- Projectiles move through blocks and shields
- Can hit multiple entities (similar to flamonstrum)
- While this spell does inflict slowness, it is considered a 'combat' category spell, and therefore will not be affected by any Crowd Control talents

Obscuro now does damage on hit. The visual appearance has been updated slightly. The particles around the targets eyes have been changed, the projectile no longer has visible projectile particles, and is a high velocity projectile (similar to bombardus), making it have a more 'concealed' appearance with an instant effect.

- Base Range: 20
- Base Cooldown: 7s (6s in PVP Stats)
- Mana Cost: 16

Pierolotum statue attacks both mobs and players now. The spell will cast a projectile AOE, and it will spawn one statue that chooses a target in the AOE to go after. When the pierolotum statue attacks a mob, the mob will attack them back.

- Base Range: 35
- EDIT (9/3/22) Base Radius: 2.5
- Mana Cost: 40
- Base Cooldown: 40s (34s in PVP Stats)
- Statue Melee Damage: 916
- EDIT (9/3/22) Mob Duration: 10s
- EDIT (9/5/22) Applies 3s cooldown to Aviforma

Aviforma birds now attack both players and mobs. When successfully hit, the spell will spawn 4 birds on the target. When the birds attack a mob, the mob will attack it back.

- Bird Melee Damage: 50 (balanced mainly around the level of the spell and mobs around that level)
- EDIT (9/5/22) Mob Duration: 7s
- EDIT (9/5/22) Applies 3s cooldown to Pierolotum

Spell Balances & Changes

Base Range: 16 --> 22
Base Cooldown: 18s --> 15s (15s --> 13s in PVP Stats)

Base Range: 15 --> 30

Damage: Lowered ticking damage

Base Blindness Duration: 3s --> 2.3s

- Added small damage on the final tick
- Added an extra boost of knockback on the spell

Religo Mortus:
Velocity: 12 --> 8
- Removed applied cooldown to ascendo

- Fixed bug where self-heal epifio would sometimes deal fall damage to the caster
- Fixed bug where self-heal epifio would heal instantaneously, instead of having a cast time like the rest of the spell

Velocity: 100 --> 120
- Removed the applied cooldowns to ascendo and apparate on the target

- Added a subtle sphere visual effect

EDIT (9/3/22) Ignatium:
- Ignatium's stun mechanic for fire cleansing spells now affects Magmify and Blizzix

Talent Balances
Tier 3 Transfigurer:

- Removed volo and tripudio from this talent

Revenant Balances

Health: 380000 --> 323000 (reduced by 15%)
Magic Missile (Stronger Version): 1900 --> 1200
Magic Missile (Weaker Version): 998 --> 798

Health: 470000 --> 385000 (reduced by about 18%)

We hope that these changes will improve the balance and experience within magic and combat on the server! We understand that some of you may not agree with every bit of these changes, but we assure that the team has made these decisions carefully with the intention of making the game as balanced as possible.

Over the next few days to a week, we will keep a close eye on game balance, and if the team feels there has been any balancing issues as a result of these patches, we will work to promptly make changes that we feel are better fitting. We ask that you guys be patient, try out some of the balancing changes, and send any feedback onto the suggestion forums! We hope you guys enjoy this patch work!

Project Lead: xAutumnn
Balancing & Design: daance, Joelowo, Klene_, Salmandingo, Thrashaba, & xAutumnn
Magic/Mobs Implementation: Expiroces, xAutumnn, & Zmiya
Special Thanks: Thank you to the players who took the time to share your balancing opinions either in VCs or on the forums
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Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
Love the changes, especially the bug fixes for epifio. Such a small fix can do wonders. Not sure if obscuro would be used, but it seems to get a pretty short cooldown. Also not sure how I feel about birds doing damage. Everything else seems great, love the new spells.