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Gauntlets/Revelius feedback (wall of text jumpscare)


Minecraft IGN: MagmaC4
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
I'm gonna preface this by saying this post was originally a reply to this thread about gauntlets and lacerum. I would suggest you read it because it has some info abt the playrates of gauntlets that are important to know to understand why gauntlets did not have a successful implementation into the game. I encourage people to respond and give their thoughts (even if you disagree with me) because I believe that's how change can be made. I made this a post by itself so it could reach the remaining two and a half GD members and rest of the player base easier.

Post starts here:
I don't think they'll be able to improve the play rates of Gauntlets at all, but I'd like to be surprised.

Without motivation theres no point to doing gauntlets.
Possible motivators: Spells (like ur lacerum idea), Cosmetics, Gold, XP, Gear
  • Spells and Cosmetics are one time things and aren't good motivators for gauntlets because they will eventually all get obtained unless there is a crazy amount, which they will not do.
  • Gold is useless in this economy so no one wants to farm it. People would be doing 3k-$1 store trades for the longest time. A month after they removed the gear cost you would be hard pressed to find someone who does a 10k-$1 store trade. Point being: there has to be a gold sink in the gameplay for people to want to farm gauntlets, AND THATS EVEN IF GAUNTLETS GAVE OUT ANY WORTHWHILE GOLD. They are probably worried about inflating the economy any more so that's why you barely get any gold, but I mean come on, 600 gold for 50 minutes of constant PvE with a party of 5 graduates?
  • XP isn't included in dungeon rewards because they are meant for lvl 80 players. This has got to be one of the weirdest decisions made by game development team other than that one update that happened in the summer of 2020. I know that dungeons are coming out and that will be aimed for lower level players, but why do gauntlets come out first? XP is one the biggest motivators in EVERY mmorpg. Why release endgame content that caters to a very small percentage of players before content that many players actually need to do to level? ESPECIALLY since development time takes so long. Constantly creating gated gameplay for an old playerbase ruins any chance of fostering a new playerbase.
  • I don't think gear will ever be a good reward. I had hopes they could salvage the gear idea and actually make it a good part of gameplay when everyone else wanted to immediately remove it from the game. That was nearly two years ago. I have joined the other side. I don't have confidence that the game design team can balance stats and incorporate them into fun gameplay. To a new player, gear stats might as well be written in Moon Runes. They are confusing and overcomplicated. The new pieces of gear they added are fractions of a percent of a part of a piece of a miniscule number different than any other existing gear. They are not interesting enough for me to try and get them all. And thats partly because gear is only used in PvE, where min/maxing gear doesn't matter that much.
What I would have liked to see gauntlets become:
(I'm going to use gauntlets and dungeons interchangeability now.)
  • Gauntlets and dungeons to become one thing. I don't really see the need to separate them. Having to manage and evenly disperse two different types of PvE dungeons seems like it just gets in the way of creative direction. They boxed themselves in the parameters they set. Why can't there be boss fights for lower levels to challenge and get XP from?
  • In-world implementation. I would have loved if Gauntlets/Dungeons were just a "walk-in" sort of thing. You discover it in the world because a quest led you there, or hints mentioned by an NPC sort of guided you to the location. NOW THATS ENCOURAGING EXPLORATION. Gauntlets right now are kinda put in the world, but that's only the queue system. God do I hate the queue system. Potterworld has such a small playerbase it doesn't justify a major gameplay experience being gatekept by a minimum requirement of 5 max level players. If you design the gauntlet around a smaller or single player count, more players would play it. They wouldn't need to plan out a whole party of people just to try and die to the first boss.
  • Back to in-world implementation: Placing a dungeon in the world makes it feel cool. An NPC standing next to a fountain is lame. That's the facts. If they put dungeons in the world it could tell a story without speaking a single world. Exhibit A: That spider dungeon in Wynncraft. I don't remember it's name but I distinctly remember being introduced to the dungeon. I walked along the forest path and see this gaping hole in the ground. Its a cave entrance covered completely in web. After I do the quest that allows me to enter I have to walk up the long winding steps further into the giant cave. As you go through the dungeon you can see the dead bodies of previous adventurers wrapped in cobweb laying on the wall. That was cool, not the NPC near a fountain.
  • Another note on in-world implementation (I go on a unrelated rant but I still believe this is important for GD to hear): Having dungeons in the world would make the world feel more interesting and full. Potterworld quests have you go from ordinary town to the next ordinary town without much attachment between them. They have the best, most magical build take up the shortest amount of time in the whole game. Hogwarts is only level 1-10, then after that you never go back. There are like 2-3 more cool locations after that, but after all those it gets real dull real quick. From the town that has purple roofs, to the town that has a dock, to the town built around a mountain, to the town where the harry potter villian lived. Nothing really keeps me wanting to learn more about these places, they're plain and to be honest no amount of words in a gui menu is gonna make me feel different. They need to feel special in the world. This is another example of where potterworld boxed themselves in. They have A LOT of towns where you go to one and forget it when you move on to the next. Why go to a different one every 10 levels instead of 20 levels? Less towns built; towns have richer quests and builds; more time spent in interesting places like Hogwarts and London. They didn't look before they leaped and ended up with a 12k by 8k map when they should have had a 3k by 3k map. Bigger is not better, contrary to what some people might believe.
I'm not saying "make game faster ples" because I know they don't have time for big projects. I asking them to be efficient with their time and really think things through before hand. Questions that should be asked when they are planning the future of the game should be like: "Is this going to be fun to play?" "Will people want to play this a month after it releases?" "Is this worth the time of implementing?" "How much of this do we really need to include in the game?" "Should Eden be allowed to make potterworld NFTs?" "How does this fundamentally compare to other MMO/RPG/OpenWorld Games?"

And for lacerum: bro just add it to the game. Its been almost FOUR years. Stop trying to make it some big thing cause thats hurting PvP and PvE the more delays it has.

Also to reply to the original post I will say that your solution wouldn't do much fixing. It's like a bandage on a gunshot wound. Gauntlets are screwed because they have systematic issues that require a complete rework to correct
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Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
  • Gauntlets and dungeons to become one thing. I don't really see the need to separate them. Having to manage and evenly disperse two different types of PvE dungeons seems like it just gets in the way of creative direction. They boxed themselves in the parameters they set. Why can't there be boss fights for lower levels to challenge and get XP from?
  • In-world implementation. I would have loved if Gauntlets/Dungeons were just a "walk-in" sort of thing. You discover it in the world because a quest led you there, or hints mentioned by an NPC sort of guided you to the location. NOW THATS ENCOURAGING EXPLORATION. Gauntlets right now are kinda put in the world, but that's only the queue system. God do I hate the queue system. Potterworld has such a small playerbase it doesn't justify a major gameplay experience being gatekept by a minimum requirement of 5 max level players. If you design the gauntlet around a smaller or single player count, more players would play it. They wouldn't need to plan out a whole party of people just to try and die to the first boss.
That's exactly what I expected. When dungeons/gauntlets were "leaked/teased" I expected it to be just like the Pokemon Go of HP universe - Wizards Unite (that's also the reason why I didn't follow up on this comment, with the "Just copy Wizards Unite" because I thought it wasn't necessarry), where for example there would be a global message saying that a troll went rogue in a town and you have to go there and contain him. Also after reading a thread about ambient sounds, that Potterworld already has locations already defined (the "You discovered" messages), the Troll's health could've been scaled based on how many players were present in that defined area.

Why go to a different one every 10 levels instead of 20 levels? Less towns built; towns have richer quests and builds; more time spent in interesting places like Hogwarts and London. They didn't look before they leaped and ended up with a 12k by 8k map when they should have had a 3k by 3k map. Bigger is not better, contrary to what some people might believe.
Yep, there was so much pride in the "one world, one map, no teleporting" but then you take a look and:
  • events are held in separate maps (Japan, Brazil, Butterbrew),
  • minigames are held in separate maps (You can't just come across a Quabbleball match happening),
  • PVP is held in separate maps (you can't come across players battling in a forest)
  • and now gauntlets are held in separate maps.
So what's the point of having one huge map, that's empty because everything is in it's separate world anyway.

The scale of the builds also feels off. Diagon Alley is way too wide for a European street. Same goes for the castle's corridors.

Also all the "make the world feel more alive / ease up the forced walking" suggestions are on-hold or under review for years. Instead of making the default map better, all new builds are either for minigames or events, meanwhile 95% of the world is plain grass-blocks and 3 types of a tree.
1644157073029.png 1644157570619.png 1644157588298.png 1644157603296.png
Not a single "We've added village ruins that contain a story and a hidden quest" or "We've added grass to the landscape so it doesn't look like an English lawn"
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Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Heya @Magma and everyone else!

To address certain points mentioned in this thread, we have some responses. All of what is mentioned in the thread has been discussed and will be kept in mind for future implementation of gauntlets or dungeons. For rewards, we understand Gold is not valuable, which is tied to our unstable economy. We will be working to improve that, and if we see Gold as a proper and valuable Revenant reward in the future, we may increase it. We believe Gear could be a valuable reward for Revenant, but the issue is that any gear from Revenant is less appealing because we don't have content that is more difficult. We do plan to add dungeons that are lower leveled (easier difficulty) as well as that are harder, which make gear a more valuable reward.

Moving on, we agree Gear is complicated. We are looking into ways to make it easier to understand through first year quests. The suggestion for the in-world location isn't completely doable with our current tech, but we agree we would like to make entrances to dungeons and gauntlets more notable. We can look into in-world locations for the future, but unfortunately is not a high priority. For having less people per dungeon, our main concern is that running multiple dungeons of 1 person each is not efficient for our server (each minigame server is more effort for the server). We have decreased the number of players for Revenant, but will not be lowering dungeon or gauntlet requirements past 3 people at the very least. Finally, we plan to add more discovery gameplay in the future through encouraging further exploration-style gameplay. As would be known, we have re-enabled the acquisition of Lacerum Incisis too.

We really appreciate all the feedback and we apologize for the delayed response. I hope you have a lovely day!