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General Utility Bag


Minecraft IGN: HektorTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW
I believe having a Bag that contains ALL utility items inside of its gui.
With all Utility items I mean items like:

- Reputation Rememberball
- Regular Rememberball (opens /q)
- Book Bag
- Collector's Bag
- Event Token Pouch
- Maybe even the warpkey? (i understand that this one is not as possible as its connected to magic and would make the appearances useless)
- The Enchanted Backpack (Same for the one above, i know this one would be harder to connect as its different tech.)

The GUI would hold "empty" spots for all of these and you would be able to add the different utility items. As soon as they're added you can LEFT CLICK regularly to open the utility item.
Another option could be that you could SHIFT RIGHT CLICK to set the item as the "favorite" item. (explained below)

The Bag would work like this:
When you RIGHT CLICK with it in your hand the GUI would open.
If you don't have a favorite Utility selected the LEFT CLICK action would do the same, though if you have a favorite item selected the LEFT CLICK action would open that item immediately.
(The Bookbag could be remade in an easier way so you can "favorite" books in the bag)
If a Utility item is selected in the GUI it would have a star next to it. There can only be one Favorite selected. If you select a new one the old favorite gets unselected.

I believe that this would make some things a whole lot easier as you wouldn't have to search for those items in your enderchest, chest on housing or your inventory anymore.

I'm familiar with the potterworld tech so I know that this would not be a too big of a project. With motivation this project can easily be done in a day or two.


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Greetings, @HektorTM !

I'm happy to tell you that this suggestion was accepted, as we like the idea of compacting many of the storage items into one bag. However, we did not create a new bag to hold these items but instead added them to the current Enchanted Backpack. The backpack now contains the Reputation Remembrall, Quest Item Bag, Book Bag, Event Token Pouch, and Community Engagement Collector's Bag.

Thank you for making this suggestion and I hope you have a magical day!