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Glitching out of Flying Game Map Borders potential Fix

Goden Labelle

New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Geekhellmc
This is mainly focused on the "Hogsworth Quabbleball Arena Flying Map" where crashing into the blue borders can sometimes cause the players to glitch out of the borders and find themselves outsides of the area they're supposed to be, unable to go back in and complete the game.

A potential fix that came in mind was from the temporary minigames that involve elytras: When the player falls, there is a block to teleport him back.

If a checkpoint system could be added recording each player's nearest to finish line checkpoint that they passed, if they happen to glitch out of the border, they can just click one of those "teleport back to checkpoint" blocks and be able to continue the game.


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW
Hello @Goden Labelle!!

Thank you so much for this suggestion and apologies for the delayed response. Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. We have decided to go with a simpler alternative than what you originally suggested. We will reinforce the barriers around the map which we hope will reduce the amount of glitching happening. If this does occur again please let us know where exactly you glitched out by submitting a bug report in-game with /t create or report it on the website through a bug report. We prefer fixing the map rather than having to implement features knowing that the map doesn’t work.

Thank you for the suggestion as we love to hear any feedback you provide. We hope you understand why this is the final decision and that you continue to make suggestions! Have a marvelous day!