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Gold Cost Redundant


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: SpoopyBirb
Dark Follower Griffin Werewolf
Ever since the revelius update came out, I've been grinding nonstop to get new resources from mobs and upgrade my broom. However, the new brooms are (understandably) very expensive in terms of material cost. This isn't really an issue, but what I heavily dislike is the absolutely insane gold cost of upgrading your materials. To craft the materials required for, say, an Apollo 5000 brooms, costs a grand total of 4,320 gold, not including the time investment to get the materials. This is pretty expensive even for rich players. I get that the quests currently give you a lot of gold, but besides that, there really isn't an efficient way to acquire more gold in the game, given that minigames give out comparatively less gold than before the update, hidden chests no longer give a gold bonus, and there are fewer daily rewards available. I think that spending a few hours just doing nothing but grinding mobs and getting a crazy amount of resources should be payment enough to upgrade your raw materials, without the need for a major financial investment as well. I do understand that you really don't want people to be able to get endgame materials too easily, but I would maybe back off a little on the gold costs of upgrading.


Head of Media
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: MamaDuckie
Staff Head Staff Raven
'eyo! Thank you for taking your time to create this suggestion, Spoopy! I'll certainly bring this up with the other Poltergeist as a topic for discussion and I'll get back to you on it once a decision has been made regarding it!


Head of Media
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: MamaDuckie
Staff Head Staff Raven
'ello! Once again, thank you for your suggestion, unfortunately we're going to have to respectively decline it. Brooms and broom upgrades are supposed to be hard to get and we don't want every player to be able to easily obtain the highest brooms. We want them to be something that player have to work hard for rather than something that is earned so easily. Reducing or removing the upgrade or creation cost makings having a broom be more of a common item, than a luxury one.

We hope to hear more suggestions from you in the future.