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Gorilla Animorphus

mckenna varulv ❦

Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: xokenna
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
This post is dedicated to the Gorilla Allegiance.

Recently, I bought the Polar Bear animorphus. Now, this is a fairly large animal, which reminded me of my own favourite animals, Gorillas. Now, anyone hip enough should know what the Gorilla allegiance is. We are very powerful on Potterworld, and love to raid every class we can, especially Wizard's PE.

This gave me the idea of a Gorilla animorphus. Now, I am not sure if there's already a gorilla model, though i'm fairly certain there isn't yet, which is outrageous! These beautiful apes deserve only the best treatment, and we deserve to get an animorphus in our honour! Me, and the other Gorillies, ask for your support and feedback, and we hope you enjoyed this suggestion, and hopefully get to see it put into motion sometime in the near future.


This post was brought to you by the Gorilla Council:
Aaron Morte (Gorilla King)
Sofia Lockhart
Lauren Lockhart
McKenna Varulv


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: BurntBananaSplt
Auralock Dark Follower Raven Vampire Werewolf
Eek Eek! Monkeys should also get an animorphus! The monkeys are stronger than the gorillas and should get a super rad animorphus too. It would be greatly appreciated by the Monke community, and the Monke Lord would be happy by the new morph (If there was to be one) EEK EEK MONKE OUT :) *swings from tree away*


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven Linked
idk if this would be possible - there isn’t a gorilla model and there’s something where I think custom models can’t be made into animorpuses or something but also it sounds cool


Minecraft IGN: Minyu
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven
I think such an animorphus wouldn't be possible. As you may see in the shop all the animorphus you can buy are vanilla mobs. The only way they could add it right now is by retexturing a mob into a Gorilla via the resourcepack. But as I know there is not a mob which has the figure of a Gorilla. :D


Minecraft IGN: KipxSateee
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven SPEW Linked
Hia @thatgirlkenna, Gorilla Council & readers,

Thank you for your suggestion! With creative suggestions like these from the player base, we can improve Potterworld! As a fellow ape, I appreciate your idea however there are some snags to your idea.

We think that it is a fairly niche idea and that not too many players would be interested in it, especially from a long-term perspective. We would rather include more generic and popular animals.

Furthermore, we actually do not have the tech to make models for gorillas yet. If we obtain the tech to do this in the future and there would be enough demand for this, to give it a long-term purpose, we could revisit this. For now, however, we won't be moving forward with it.

Therefore we have made the decision to decline it.

If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out! Regardless, I wish you a wonderful day :heart:

Kind regards,