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Hanukkah Items!

Keira :D

Minecraft IGN: ohBelle_
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire
You don't see anything :ROFLMAO:. Most people on PW know christmas. I don't know anyone who knows what Hanukkah is. I am from Snape, UK. Yeah, this place exists.
I know what Hanukkah is, and a lot of people do as well :). I get if you don't like the idea, but spreading hate about it is a different thing, as I said I respect your opinion and understand if this gets declined


Minecraft IGN: RubberButt
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin
Yes! If you look in the store there are CHRISTMAS HATS and CHRISTMAS related items in the store..
These hats and "Christmas" related items have nothing to do with the religious part tho. Although the mistletoe and Christmas tree hat could be considered religious, I don't think anything else is very religious. And as Sunnya said it has become a global cultural tradition.

Keira :D

Minecraft IGN: ohBelle_
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire
Again, another reason that Hanukkah items could be added, since they aren't religious. Sure dreidels are part of the culture but I know a lot of people who don't celebrate Hanukkah who play the game for fun!


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Kirstree
Auralock Griffin Phoenix
These hats and "Christmas" related items have nothing to do with the religious part tho. Although the mistletoe and Christmas tree hat could be considered religious, I don't think anything else is very religious. And as Sunnya said it has become a global cultural tradition.
Just because the objects themselves might not be "religious" but Christmas is a religious tradition.


Minecraft IGN: lgbts
Serpent Linked
I did quick bit of research after reading this thread. I'm not Jewish nor do I celebrate Chanukah, so forgive me if a few of these points are not entirely accurate.

Chanukah is one of the less religious holidays in the Jewish religion. It's more popular with "secular" Jews, and it was not even mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures (the Jewish bible). (Secular means "denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis"). In fact, this holiday commemorated a more historical event regarding the invasion of Jerusalem by the Seleucid king. Chanukah is essentially the celebration of his defeat and the renewed independence of the people of Jerusalem. This became associated with the Jewish religion because the region that was invaded was primarily home to ethnic Jews, who were celebrating their freedom to remain a sovereign culture. (Source) In Israel, Chanukah is hardly recognized as a significant holiday. Many feel that the popularization of Chanukah is a "response" to Christmas for those who are not Christian and thus do not celebrate Christmas. (Source)

All in all, I would honestly say Christmas holds more religious significance in the Christian religion than Chanukah holds in the Jewish religion (compared to other holy events within their respective religions). Many countries do not recognize the celebration of Christmas because it is a holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. There are quite a few Christmas references on the store: the Green Christmas Hat, the Santa Cowboy Hat, the Christmas Tree Hat, the Christmas Tree Broom, Santa's Sleigh, and the North Pole Staff, to name a few.

In the past, Potterworld has had Easter events. Easter is one of the most religious holidays in the Christian religion. It is a holy holiday during which Jesus was resurrected. While Christianity is one of the most popular religions and contains some of the most popular holidays in North America and Europe, it does not hold nearly as much significance with people from places such as Asia, Africa, the Middle East, etc. where Christians and celebrators of Christmas, Easter, etc. are a minor fraction of the population.

Regardless, I am not trying to undermine the Christmas festivities on PW, but rather to encourage the server to expand their horizons! Here are a few ideas for secular and/or Chanukah themed items ;)

Dreidel Wand and/or Pet
As Keira said, non-Jews also play dreidel. As a non-Jew myself, I have played dreidel with friends! This is a fairly simple item, so it could be easy to recreate in pixel form. This could be a wand or even a pet that spins. I think it would be super cute to have a little dreidel pet following you around!

Blue Holiday Hat
Similar to the Green Christmas Hat, there could be a blue holiday hat (and, if staff are interested, the Christmas hat could be rebranded to a holiday hat). As red and green are colors typically associated with Christmas, blue and silver/yellow are often associated with both Chanukah and winter in general! This could also apply to recoloring other holiday items on the store to include blue variants. It would be simple, as it would just require recoloring the currently-existing hat. Here's a rough example!

Candle Wand
There could be a candle wand. The torch model already exists. It would be really cute if it was unlit when your wand is closed and the flame lights up when your wand is open! Candles in general are not a religious but could be fun for the winter season and would pay homage to the candles on a menorah.

Coin Sack Handbag
In reference to the gelt in the dreidel game, there could be a little sack of coins as a new beaded handbag texture! This is also less religious as there are other uses for a pouch of gold coins!

While this would likely not be a store item, it could be cool to have menorahs around in the future! There are Christmas trees all around Mahounoshiro even though only 1% of Japan's population celebrates Christmas. Why not include menorahs in addition, by the same sentiment of simply putting up holiday decorations. After all, it is a holiday event, not a Christmas event! I believe that this model may already exist or can be adapted to Potterworld's style as seen from this Instagram post.

Sorry this response got longer than I anticipated! Thanks for reading if you have. Hope to see some expansion of the "holiday season" in the future! :D


Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Hello, @❤ Keira Fireheart ❤!

Thank you taking the time and consideration to create your suggestion, as well as others who contributed to this thread! I’ll bring it up to the staff team and send a response to you as soon as possible!

Have a lovely day!


Minecraft IGN: Sunnya
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW
Hello @Keira :D,

Thank you so much for your suggestion! We fully understand all the points made on this thread and we appreciate the time everyone here took to share their thoughts & additional information.

We will look into items add, however, we will not be adding most of the items suggested here. When it comes to the store we want to always ensure that every model we add follows our standards/guidelines for each type of item (ex. wands should be items that make sense to cast spells/magic & all items should be generic & work for everyone). A lot of our old holiday items (and store items in general) do not meet our current standards, but we want to make sure that future items & items we rerelease do match those standards.

In the earlier years of Potterworld, we essentially had a habit of doing what we felt was a good idea without any guidelines. We made any event or gameplay we wanted & we made any models and store releases. How Potterworld used to run years ago, and the decisions made then, cannot be compared to the standards and guidelines we have now. We don't want to make the same sorts of decisions & server additions with the reasoning of 'oh we did this years ago so we should do it now'. So in terms of the old Christmas-themed items, we recognize that having so many related to the holiday was not the best decision (plus as mention above, most of them don't match our standards of quality). They were old in-game rewards from the Winter Waltz and we didn't feel that they fit as rewards for the event much longer, but we did not want to fully remove those items as there are still many players that want those items (hence why we moved them to the store). I can assure you all though that as a Store Manager team, we're working to make our holiday releases less Christmas/religion-based and instead follow more of a generic holiday & seasonal theme.

I hope this all makes sense! Please feel to reach out to me and ask any further questions if there are any.


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
As always, I'm a bit late to the party, BUT there were some hanukkah items added to the last Winter Waltz event as collectables (for example the Menorah) so I'll be marking this suggestion as complete.

We hope you enjoyed them and feel free to continue to suggest new collectables for future events!