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Have a Chess GUI on the item that place a chessboard


Minecraft IGN: P0nz1an1
Phoenix Raven Linked
You could use a Chess GUI and some pawns and other nbt tags to make a 1vs1 chess game out of your Item.

If click, cast chest GUI, therefore new chess game, ppl right click the item and can play chess out of the placeable, one thing, pieces textured wouldnt move on the board, only in the GUI

and add chess ranking like on garrys mod harry potter server


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Hiya @Not_Ponzi!

Thanks so much for your suggestion. We are always looking for more ways to improve the server! A similar suggestion has been brought up in the past and accepted. You can find the original thread here.

We will be looking into making magical chess possible in the far future. However, currently we want this to be a minigame and not part of a GUI as you have suggested. So unfortunately I will have to decline this thread. Although we might revisit this idea later on.

Thanks once again and we look forward to seeing more from you in the future! Have a fantastic day!