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Head Update!


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: neppie__
Hey guys! I have some suggestions to make for the head shop in the mine depot.

First of all, I hope you are having a good day, evening or night. Make sure to drink water and stay indoors if you are not feeling well! Rest enough and get some vitamin C.

Second of all, my original idea.... pronoun heads! Imagine each head with a different pronoun (including neo?). If this is too hard to do, which I would assume, I was thinking we could add our pronouns to our profile. It can be a little annoying for me and most likely others when people use the wrong pronouns, as I am genderfluid people always assume for me to be a girl and always have she/her pronouns, however that is not the case. This feature would help people feel less alone in being LGBTQIA+ and may even cause people to come out comfortably.

Another thing I have noticed, in the mine depot there are no celebrity heads! This would be funny and somewhat stylish for housing lots. It could feature people such as Harry Styles and maybe even Dua Lipa.

Let me know if you agree or have any other head ideas!



Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: neppie__
Hi! It is me. I have seen another post alike this one and it was sadly declined. I understand you are trying to protect the community and I am proud of the staff for taking the time to reply to posts and things. I have a suggestion that will help the LGBTQIA+ community with the pronouns. What if we had a conformation system. Your pronouns would have to be checked by staff until you can have them on your account. I think this would be nice to have as prefixes and stuff but I understand if this is still an issue.



Minecraft IGN: MelancholiaUFO
Honeybadger Auralock
I think adding pronouns to profile (in-game) would be a good idea! So when you shift click a player to know about them, you could just view their preferred pronouns. It would be common sense to just ask a player or use neutral pronouns on them if you don't know them.

Also since neopronouns would require the player needing to add theirs (as there's many neopronouns), it leaves room for a player to just.. not put in pronouns, or put in something unsavory (as it's based on player input). So I'd have the options be he/him, she/her, they/them or other (selecting as many as you want). Then another option where you can put down "ask!" instead of any of those.

Another idea! Hovering your cursor on a player's name in chat shows you their preferred pronouns, and they can set them in their profile/user settings in-game.
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Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Hello, @neppie__ !

Thank you for taking the time to create this suggestion. We will not be pursuing both pronoun and celebrity heads. For the celebrity heads, we think this is very time-dependent and also many celebrity heads aren't recognizable. For pronoun heads, we considered this to be a good idea for Pride, but realized there are not readily-available pronoun heads already set up.

Nevertheless, thank you for the suggestion and if you have any questions about our decision feel free to reach out. I hope you have a nice day!