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Help with In-Game stuff


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Maxime_M
Dark Follower Griffin
Hello everyone (Don't know if this is where I should post it, sorry staff)

As the title says, I need some help with in game stuff. It's been about 2-3 years since I played, maybe even longer. I'm trying to get back into it but never really wanted to by the overwhelming amount of new stuff and stuff that has changed. I have a lot of spells and I'd like to know which ones I should use in my hotbar. And I'd also like to know what I should start doing. I'm a year six.



Minecraft IGN: Aria_Crestello
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven
Hello MaximeM!

The spells are up to you, though i recommend one of each category. You can look over them to see which ones you think could be handy to you.
As for what to do, there is the House Pride currently going on, so if you'd like to show Griffin pride, you should definitely visit the red stand in the courtyard! You can also play in numerous games that can be found in /games and the ministry. There is an announcement NPC just outside the great hall for you to see what you've missed recently, and Daily Diviner updates to help you with what you missed! If you ever need help, you can do /t create (message) and someone will help you shortly <3


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Maxime_M
Dark Follower Griffin
Hello MaximeM!

The spells are up to you, though i recommend one of each category. You can look over them to see which ones you think could be handy to you.
As for what to do, there is the House Pride currently going on, so if you'd like to show Griffin pride, you should definitely visit the red stand in the courtyard! You can also play in numerous games that can be found in /games and the ministry. There is an announcement NPC just outside the great hall for you to see what you've missed recently, and Daily Diviner updates to help you with what you missed! If you ever need help, you can do /t create (message) and someone will help you shortly <3
Hey, alright. Thank you for the help. I'll definitely look into it.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Maxime_M
Dark Follower Griffin
Hello MaximeM!

The spells are up to you, though i recommend one of each category. You can look over them to see which ones you think could be handy to you.
As for what to do, there is the House Pride currently going on, so if you'd like to show Griffin pride, you should definitely visit the red stand in the courtyard! You can also play in numerous games that can be found in /games and the ministry. There is an announcement NPC just outside the great hall for you to see what you've missed recently, and Daily Diviner updates to help you with what you missed! If you ever need help, you can do /t create (message) and someone will help you shortly <3
One question, in the pas there used to these warps with these sort of quests where you had to parkour and stuff.