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[Hide and Seek] Refresh Blocks in Maps


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
Just a suggestion to change up the blocks in the hide and seek maps. Not asking to redo the entire builds of each map, but just the blocks that are scattered all over where players usually hide in. These blocks could be added or removed from the piles that they are in or replaced with a different set of blocks. Maybe choose a new type of block for players to hide in too?
Just a request to spice up hide and seek a bit.


Notable Magician
Hi, I'm kind of confused about which blocks you actually mean, could you explain more and give a few examples, please?


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
Hi, I'm kind of confused about which blocks you actually mean, could you explain more and give a few examples, please?
I'm talking about the blocks that we choose to hide as if we're hiders in a map. Suggesting to change these blocks that are already placed in the map and moving/replacing them with another block so that the hide and seek maps would look different. Sorry if that sounds confusing - what I'm trying to get at is that after playing hide and seek a few times on a map, you'll will get to know locations and blocks that seem out of place.


Notable Magician
Oh, I get it and agree. If builders (or just a command) can change a few block positions that could make it harder to memorize where the players could be hiding.


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Hello @Somnambulist,

This has actually been suggested and accepted previously, although it is likely not something that will be done in the near future. You can find the original thread here. Therefore, I will be marking this thread as a duplicate and moving it to declined.

Nevertheless, thank you for putting the time and effort into making this suggestion. We really appreciate it <3