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Hide and Seek - Seekers


Minecraft IGN: oakyno
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
A lot of players, such as myself, prefer to start as a seeker. This caused a little bit of what others call... throwing... I say hiding poorly... I talked to other players, a lot of them hate starting as seeker, and a lot of us think the ability to choose to seek in the beginning or vote for seeker would be best. I really hope this is implemented because it would add so much more fun to both parties, those who hate starting that way, and those who love it.


Minecraft IGN: M_Engel
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Arithmancer
I think it would be cool before starting the hide & seek itself, it could have a timer to choose if you have a preference in being either a seeker or a hider. In case there's at least one player who clicked the preference on being a seeker, they would be choose to be as seeker, or the probability is higher in case more than one player has "asked" for being seeker. Of course, there is one "flaw", in case everyone has a preference on being as hider, one of them will be the seeker like how is it currently. Specially I see a lot of players (me including) that are seekers twice in a row or more got frustrated for being always the first seeker. However, Personally, I don't see a problem if someone who is hider that wanted to be a seeker at start of the game can wait at seeker's spawn and as soon as the first seeker spawn, they will probably hit you immediately. At least I saw a lot (probably most of the time it just happened to be afk, but I know some cases they wanted to help the seeker because it was their first time, or help they to get the dailies, or the seeker left the game and someone forcefully replaced him and the rest let be caught because that wasn't fair for the recent seeker, and so on so on).

Thank you for hearing this mini suggestion and I hope you're doing great! :D
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Atreus | ethxnTM

Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: ethxnTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf
I really like this idea, as sometimes I want to be a seeker on certain maps, but I don't get picked for it, yet I also can't get caught easily as that would be considered throwing


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Heya @oakyno !

Thank you for making this suggestion! We always look for new ways to make the gameplay more enjoyable! I really like this idea and will therefore bring it up to my fellow Poltergeists. I will return once we recieve a decision so I suggest keeping an eye on this thread!

Thank you once again and have a wonderful day!


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Greetings @oakyno !

Unfortunately, we have decided to decline this suggestion! We decided we will not be implementing this idea, because we see it skewing future games and the Hide and Seek Leaderboard. While voting for a seeker position may be fun for some, the random chance we have now encourages all players to try the role and evenly play in the position.

We hope you understand our decision and thank you for bringing up the suggestion! I hope you have a magical day/night!