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Hide and Seek taunts


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: camrynplayz
Phoenix Raven
Hello! As someone who plays hide and seek, quite a lot, i think there is something you could add to make the game better. I think that taunts should give you a few gold when you use it (2 gold or so), however the taunts need to have a cool down so people cant abuse this ability. This can encourage taunts that can make it a little easier for the seeker and make it more fun for people to try to taunt without the seeker(s) seeing. Without this feature many people feel there is no reason to use taunts since they don't give you anything.


Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Discord Moderator SPEW Game Designer Lead
Hey there!

Thank you for the suggestion! We really appreciate all of the feedback and suggestions that we get, as they help us improve and come up with new ideas for the server. There has been a thread about hide and seek taunts in the past and it was accepted, as it is something that we are looking to do in future. You can find it here.