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Hiding Players in Flying


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf
In flying, other players should be hidden (or blurred out in some way, though I'm not sure if this is possible). At the very least, players should be given the option to hide other players in the flying minigame before it starts.

On many of the maps, players can become grouped up on flying. That, combined with a lot of sharp turns on some courses, can add a very big distraction. Due to the overwhelming number of players that can become bunched up, especially at the start of the map, there are frequent crashes caused by confusion.

By giving players the option to hide/blur players, or automatically doing it before the round begins, players would be able to see the course more clearly and know where they are supposed to go. This is already implemented in Wiz PE classes, where players are hidden during parkour so that they aren't distracted. I think that this would be helpful for both new and experienced flying players.


Minecraft IGN: Mireiia
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire
Heya @cheddarsoup !

This suggestion has been brought up previously and we have accepted it! However, it has been put on-hold, as this will require new tech that needs to be requested. Unfortunately, a lot of other requests have a higher priority, so we are not sure when we will be working on this. You can view the entire reasoning, as well as any updates on the original thread, so I suggest keeping an eye on it!

Thank you for suggesting this, though. We always appreciate new ideas and feedback to make the server more enjoyable! I hope you have an amazing day!