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Hogsworth Classes Structure and Essays

While writing notes, essays and quizzes are fun and all especially when they are about magic, I've recently noticed that almost all classes are now like this. In the past, those same classes would have group activities and spell practice to spice things up every once in a while but the past few months, classes have lacked diversity. There also seems to be way fewer of the unique classes such as Magical forensics (or whatever it was, I have a bad memory, something to do with investigating), drama, dance and all the other awesome classes I saw in the past. The more common classes such as divination have could have so much more to offer! Think about how cool it would be to see into our future instead of writing about ancient techniques. Think about how cool it would be to interact with magical creatures during care of magical creatures. Think about how cool it would be to learn how to handle plants in herbology. Think about how cool it would be to have your professor give you tips during defense against the dark arts.

Essays are great and all and I love them. But recently it feels as if the professors are lacking effort in engaging classes and its starting to feel like a muggle school. I wish they brought back fun activities in regular classes from time to time...


Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf
Greetings @Randomgameshp!

Thank you for bringing your suggestion to Potterworld! We are always looking out for new ways to improve our server so this is much appreciated!

I am happy to say that your suggestion has been accepted and is currently in the progress of making! The Class Design Team (mostly of professors) have been working hard to include field trips, interactive elements, and fun surprises to make classes more fun. However, these classes are going to take a bit before being fully implemented and used. But they will be used whenever the team is ready!

In regards to the amount of diversity of subjects, this is depending on what the Professors like to teach. Professors are encouraged to teach whatever subjects they'd like. There is actually a large variety of subjects being taught, however some may be taught less as there is not many professors interested in teaching it (such as Magical Crime Studies).

Therefore, this suggestion is in the making and although it may take awhile until many classes are interactive, they will be coming!

Once again thank you for brining your suggestion to Potterworld! Take care and I hope you have a magical day! <3

Kind wishes,


Minecraft IGN: Aglyn
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Class Design Arena Grandmaster SPEW Academics Advisor
Hiya, @Randomgameshp

I have arrived with an update for this thread. This suggestion is now complete! As over the last few months the Academics department have been working towards hosting more frequent interactive classes. Examples of these classes include Magical Architecture, Magical Cuisine, Flying, and Herbology!

Thank you for creating your suggestion, we really appreciate it.

I hope you have a wonderful day/night!