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Homenum Revelio


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: za1ty
Staff Serpent Werewolf Arithmancer
Just a small charm suggestion is to add homenum revelio, a spell most known for its use by Hermione in the deathly hallows at grimmauld place. The charm reavels nearby people and my idea is to add it to potterworld. How i believe this would work is that you cast the spell and it puts a spectral effect on every nearby players, mobs and npc, or just one or two of them. Maybe have it upgraded in a spell tree to last longer and over a bigger area. Idk I think it would be a fun and usefull spell.


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven Linked
This already exists as revelum, which un-invisibles anyone invisible in the area.
If this were to be added separately , how useful would it be? I can’t really see what it would be used for. Especially I think nobody would upgrade it in the spell tree, since it seems useless for duelling
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Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
This already exists as revelum, which un-invisibles anyone invisible in the area.
If this were to be added separately why LG, how useful would it be? I can’t really see what it would be used for. Especially I think nobody would upgrade it in the spell tree, since it seems useless for duelling
ya i agree i dont think it shud be a spell tree item however i think it wud be a cool novelty spell but idk how well it wud work with the current linear levelling system and how they wud put it in as a serperate spell. A while ago i did make a suggestion to change revelum into this spell but it was declined due to the glowing (spectral) being a sign of resistanceTM. Think it wud still be kinda cool tho
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Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: za1ty
Staff Serpent Werewolf Arithmancer
This already exists as revelum, which un-invisibles anyone invisible in the area.
If this were to be added separately why LG, how useful would it be? I can’t really see what it would be used for. Especially I think nobody would upgrade it in the spell tree, since it seems useless for duelling
Can be great to fight mobs, find npc people in quests and maybe find secret rooms, tunnels etc


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
What if it had the same effect as the spectral arrow ? That way you'd see what the other person is doing behind a wall. (or something, idk, never dueled after gear was added)

Joel Crestello

Minecraft IGN: Joelowo
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
If it were to give a spectral arrow effect it would be quite useless since currently Fortifius is used a lot in graduate duels which has that exact same effect. It would be a detriment to use since you don't know if the player possibly used fortifius.


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
If it were to give a spectral arrow effect it would be quite useless since currently Fortifius is used a lot in graduate duels which has that exact same effect. It would be a detriment to use since you don't know if the player possibly used fortifius.
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Minecraft IGN: Vegas4K
Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
Doesn't make sense for duelling, makes sense for highlighting all the mobs in an area and a lil cosmetic spell to highlight other players


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: za1ty
Staff Serpent Werewolf Arithmancer
If it were to give a spectral arrow effect it would be quite useless since currently Fortifius is used a lot in graduate duels which has that exact same effect. It would be a detriment to use since you don't know if the player possibly used fortifius.
My plan for it was not for dueling, more for quests and for fun. Maybe to spot rooms in hogwarts etc, useless to use while dueling in an open arena where u can spot the person anyways


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Hello @zZalt,

Thank you for your suggestion; it's always great to hear what players want and how we can improve the server!
Unfortunately, this suggestion is a duplicate of another one, that can be found here.
This is a pre-Revelius suggestion, so the spell they are talking about has been renamed to Revelum and it's exactly the spell "Homenum Revelius" from the Harry Potter universe that you referred to. As mentioned, it reveals any invisible people in the immediate area.
The reason this was declined is due to the fact that Fortificus is used a lot in Dueling and having another spell cause the same glowing effect would diminish the individuality of Fortificus as well as possibly confuse players. Feel free to check out the other thread for a more detailed reasoning.

Nevertheless, thank you for bringing this up to us and have a good day!