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Host more dueling classes


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
I play the server a lot, and in the whole 2022, I went to a dueling class twice because theres no dueling classes hosted for Europeans. Thats kinda ridicilous considering that dueling used to be one of the most liked classes amongst players, and nowadays, people dont even get the chance to go. The only way someone from europe can get in touch with dueling is via challenges, but to be honest, challenges are not really new player friendly. The lack of new duelists is heavily influenced by this. And no offense to other classes, but a lot of the classes rn could be considered "useless" compared to dueling. People graduate and they still have no idea how to use their wands...


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Kailen
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
I completely agree with everything you’ve said though it’s more so a question of Professors wanting to teach it. Maybe there could be more encouragement from academics leadership to teach duelling for the reasons said above. Unfortunately a lot of subjects fall by the waist side due to Professors not wanting to teach the it.


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
Yeah I agree with this but it's absolutely going to be declined, since "Our Professor positions can be very demanding jobs, and one of the most rewarding parts of the position is being able to teach whatever interests you within our magical world."

Ultimately there needs to be some sort of "we need this class hosted X amount at varying times of day," but that's not going to happen because "we do not want to force people to teach subjects that do not interest them" as said under Matty's suggestion that should have been accepted. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/academics-and-classes.13729/

Again, agree with the suggestion, won't be accepted though.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
Maybe they could make a staff application that's focused on if someone wanted to do Dueling classes and at a specific time? Do you know anyone that would be willing to host dueling for when European players are active?


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Kailen
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
I mean I think it’s kinda wack to force Professors to teach x subject just to tick off a checklist. It’s also worth noting that subjects like DADA & Herbology need its own lore written for them down to copyright issues the server didn’t have say 5 years ago.

Perhaps the middle ground could be that all Class Helpers are asked to pick their preferred subjects to teach prior to being promoted and then are promoted in order of class demand.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
we do not want to force people to teach subjects that do not interest them
That's a team flaw which immediately needs to be addressed. Let's be honest, some classes are easier to host than others. Dueling is one of the classes that is harder to host, and it can take some time. Some other classes are much easier to host, like potions. That's why the majority of surprise classes are usually potions. And let's not ignore the importance of dueling. Imagine if arena team stopped hosting dueling challenges as well, simply because they're not interested in dueling. Or if nobody wanted to host seasonal challenges. That's not an excuse in my opinion. Imagine if they stopped teaching math or something in real life because there's not enough professors lol.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
I mean I think it’s kinda wack to force Professors to teach x subject just to tick off a checklist
But that's literally how it works rn? The only difference is that you can choose the class type, but you still need to host a certain amount.
DADA & Herbology need its own lore written
Off topic, but i believe PW has more than enough lore to be able to teach those subjects.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Kailen
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
But that's literally how it works rn? The only difference is that you can choose the class type, but you still need to host a certain amount.
That’s not how it works currently. There’s a huge difference between having a class quota and saying to Professors that they must teach x class.
Let's be honest, some classes are easier to host than others
I do agree with this. The best solution to this is to adjust the class quota to where certain classes count for more than others e.g. if the quota for the week is 3 points: a potions class would count for 1, a transfig class would count for 2 as it requires more effort to teach and an alchemy class would count for 3 as its rarely taught and requires effort.


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
Honestly, I think the main problem is that there's a huge divide in the player base between people who care about competitive duelling and those who simply don't. Most staff applicants who *are* interested in duelling don't bother becoming a professor... because why would they? Instead they can just enter the arena team which means they can host tournaments too! This leaves very few professors who actually want to host duelling, and I doubt this issue can be solved without allowing the arena team to host duelling classes too :/


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
Playerbase wouldn't be looking like this if dueling classes were hosted normally for the past few years.
I doubt this issue can be solved without allowing the arena team to host duelling classes too :/
That's an option (possible solution) as well. Or at least challenges that are newer player friendly.

Lord Lunara

New Magician
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: JustMerePanda
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Drooble's Order
They say in the Rules to not ask for classes because the staff has to spend time making them. I believe there should be more dueling classes because they are the easiest class to do. You don't have to do research or talk that much.


Minecraft IGN: Mireiia
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Linked
Hey there @Ivan_ and everyone else who replied to this thread!

Unfortunately, we have decided to label this thread as declined. However, despite this declined label, we would love to see a wide variety of classes taught that everyone can attend. However, many of the suggested ways to execute this in the thread will not be pursued.

Unfortunately, we cannot force Professors to host specific classes because they work really hard to create lesson plans for subjects that they are passionate about. This passion fuels their work and if we forced them to create lessons for subjects they are not interested in, the lessons themselves would likely not be as exciting to host and Professors may lose motivation for their work in the process.

We understand that we do have scheduled Dueling classes that are not hosted at European-friendly times, and while we would love to have more classes hosted in time zones that are friendly towards everyone, the Professors themselves choose a time that works best with their real life schedule, as it is a voluntary position.

We will not be promoting our current Class Helpers in order of demand because we need to promote people who are qualified for the job, and not who will teach a certain subject. This is our number one priority when promoting to ensure that our classes are of a high quality, without issues, and engaging. In theory, introducing quotas for classes could be a great idea per week. However, we actually already have a high number of Dueling classes being taught: the problem is that they're not in a European time zone. Additionally, we cannot force non-European Professors to skip real life commitments to teach Dueling or to force our small number of European Professors to solely teach Dueling for time zone quotas.

However, we will be considering adjusting how much each class is worth in requirements. We do worry this may adjust our current balance of classes, but it is something that we will consider and discuss more among the Academics Leadership.

We will be passing on the feedback about making the current Dueling classes more new-player friendly, as well as finding ways to make current challenges more new-player friendly. We want all players to feel welcome in both classes and challenges, and we definitely appreciate the feedback regarding making our classes and challenges more accessible to all. If you have any ideas and/or suggestions on how to make classes and challenges more new-player friendly, please feel free to let us know!

Thank you for bringing up this suggestion. If you have any further questions or ideas as said previously; feel free to reach out! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
I've seen that Dueling class which is Europe friendly has been added to calendar since I made this thread (thank you @Aviann) so that's something at least.
However, we will be considering adjusting how much each class is worth in requirements. We do worry this may adjust our current balance of classes, but it is something that we will consider and discuss more among the Academics Leadership.
I'm not sure how this works but something important like dueling should definitely be worth!


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: EdenLovesMommy
Auralock Dark Follower Raven Linked
Hey there @Ivan_ and everyone else who replied to this thread!

Unfortunately, we have decided to label this thread as declined. However, despite this declined label, we would love to see a wide variety of classes taught that everyone can attend. However, many of the suggested ways to execute this in the thread will not be pursued.

Unfortunately, we cannot force Professors to host specific classes because they work really hard to create lesson plans for subjects that they are passionate about. This passion fuels their work and if we forced them to create lessons for subjects they are not interested in, the lessons themselves would likely not be as exciting to host and Professors may lose motivation for their work in the process.

We understand that we do have scheduled Dueling classes that are not hosted at European-friendly times, and while we would love to have more classes hosted in time zones that are friendly towards everyone, the Professors themselves choose a time that works best with their real life schedule, as it is a voluntary position.

We will not be promoting our current Class Helpers in order of demand because we need to promote people who are qualified for the job, and not who will teach a certain subject. This is our number one priority when promoting to ensure that our classes are of a high quality, without issues, and engaging. In theory, introducing quotas for classes could be a great idea per week. However, we actually already have a high number of Dueling classes being taught: the problem is that they're not in a European time zone. Additionally, we cannot force non-European Professors to skip real life commitments to teach Dueling or to force our small number of European Professors to solely teach Dueling for time zone quotas.

However, we will be considering adjusting how much each class is worth in requirements. We do worry this may adjust our current balance of classes, but it is something that we will consider and discuss more among the Academics Leadership.

We will be passing on the feedback about making the current Dueling classes more new-player friendly, as well as finding ways to make current challenges more new-player friendly. We want all players to feel welcome in both classes and challenges, and we definitely appreciate the feedback regarding making our classes and challenges more accessible to all. If you have any ideas and/or suggestions on how to make classes and challenges more new-player friendly, please feel free to let us know!

Thank you for bringing up this suggestion. If you have any further questions or ideas as said previously; feel free to reach out! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!