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Houseelf Mass buy


Minecraft IGN: HektorTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW
I think we can all agree on that buying blocks is quite annoying especially if you want many of them.
If you have a big build project and need loads and loads of blocks it can be very frustrating to click the block so many times and maybe missclick it sometimes even.
To fix this time consuming "work" i'd suggest that you should have the options to buy more blocks at once.
For Example:

x16 - 4g
x32 - 8g
x64 - 16g
x128 - 32g

This would make buying and building way easier and less time consuming by buying things.



Minecraft IGN: viewful
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire
Hey @HektorTM

Thank you so much for making a suggestion for us, it really means a lot! However, like Lizzie has stated above, this suggestion has been accepted and will be implemented at a later date. If you wish to read the suggestions before this, Lizzie has also kindly provided them! I will be marking this thread as a duplicate, but once again, thank you so much for the suggestion nonetheless - it really means a lot to us! Have a nice day!