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Housing Chat to Private Chat Thoughts


Minecraft IGN: WildKoekje
Honeybadger Dark Follower Werewolf
Hello all,

Now you may shoot this idea down and that is okay but there is not harm in trying to suggest something.

I would like to suggest that Housing chats become a private space with a filter that can be changed per user so that people can have a safe space to be themselves without being in a party or a guild, and are freely able to swear. Yes, I know this is a family friendly server and we all want to enjoy our time together with not bad words or curses but it doesn't make sense to have the options there if housing isn't included.

I would like to point out that housing lots are not public they can be changed at any point and can be set at Friends, Party and Guild members but all of these things have private messages, party chat and guild chats and are set as private chats not public.

This leads to my second point, Guilds can be set at public and you can still swear in them so anyone all ages can join freely with no restrictions and no concequences. What doesn't make sense is why this is allowed but housing isn't allowed its own chat and can be set to private or has a filter.

Furthermore, the connections between housing and the 3 chats I have mentioned have no consistency because of the fact that housing is "Public" chat not Private and this can cause issues as parties and guilds are set to "Private".

Please leave opinions on what you think?

Many thanks



Minecraft IGN: TallBlondeDude
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
ive gotten muted twice in housing chats for doing things that hurt no one since it was just for the people there

honestly if a house is set to private, party, or guild only the chat should be set to private as well


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
I can absolutely see this being declined, but I think it would be a good idea since housing plots rarely have more than 1-2 people there, aside from when someone advertises their market items.

Also the people at someone's housing (excluding the already mentioned exception) are probably friends/guild members to begin with, so there's no harm in making this change.


Minecraft IGN: WildKoekje
Honeybadger Dark Follower Werewolf
I can absolutely see this being declined, but I think it would be a good idea since housing plots rarely have more than 1-2 people there, aside from when someone advertises their market items.

Also the people at someone's housing (excluding the already mentioned exception) are probably friends/guild members to begin with, so there's no harm in making this change.
To be fair if it is declined atleast I attempted to try to point out the flaws of the inconsistency between them.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
Hello all,

Now you may shoot this idea down and that is okay but there is not harm in trying to suggest something.

I would like to suggest that Housing chats become a private space with a filter that can be changed per user so that people can have a safe space to be themselves without being in a party or a guild, and are freely able to swear. Yes, I know this is a family friendly server and we all want to enjoy our time together with not bad words or curses but it doesn't make sense to have the options there if housing isn't included.

I would like to point out that housing lots are not public they can be changed at any point and can be set at Friends, Party and Guild members but all of these things have private messages, party chat and guild chats and are set as private chats not public.

This leads to my second point, Guilds can be set at public and you can still swear in them so anyone all ages can join freely with no restrictions and no concequences. What doesn't make sense is why this is allowed but housing isn't allowed its own chat and can be set to private or has a filter.

Furthermore, the connections between housing and the 3 chats I have mentioned have no consistency because of the fact that housing is "Public" chat not Private and this can cause issues as parties and guilds are set to "Private".

Please leave opinions on what you think?

Many thanks

I totally agree, making make it a setting which you can turn on and off, as well as a warning message to all the people that enter.


Minecraft IGN: Mireiia
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Linked
Hey @WildKoekje !

Unfortunately, I have to let you know that your suggestion has been declined. We believe that making local chat private chat at some times and public at others would be very confusing for players, as housing chat is still local chat. Housings are also public by default and any player can join at any time of the conversation, which is why we will also not be making it a separate chat. Finally, we will not be making it so that housing chat is private when a housing has its access limited, as this would be difficult to do, as well as it potentially being confusing for players when they join a housing to know if it's public or private at that time, especially since it could have changed while they've been at the housing and even mid-conversation.

I'd still like to thank you for your suggestion, as we do really appreciate all the suggestions and input we receive to help improve the server! I hope you have an amazing day still!


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
We believe that making local chat private chat at some times and public at others would be very confusing for players, as housing chat is still local chat.
i feel like it is not difficult to deduce that typing in a command with a specific player's name to go to a specific player's private area is separate from normal chat but that's just a theory