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Housing Furniture


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: AlexRiddle50
Dark Follower Serpent
It would be amazing if you could expand the furniture options available for purchase in housing. As I explore the server I notice furniture that I'd love to use in my own housing, only to go to the house elf and realize it's not available. For example the tables we only get the leg portion so for a table to look decent you can only make a 1x2 table. So if this can be made possible you'd make not only my day but I'm sure you'd make many other creative peoples days.


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Heya, could you please provide more examples of furniture you would like to have added to the Mine Depot? That way it's easier for us to review the suggestion as we know what exactly you have in mind.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
Heya, could you please provide more examples of furniture you would like to have added to the Mine Depot? That way it's easier for us to review the suggestion as we know what exactly you have in mind.
For example the tables from great hall, animal statues, brewing stand textures..


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: AlexRiddle50
Dark Follower Serpent
Those are great ideas, but I'd also like to see the cupboards, slab stools, the couches from the common rooms, the quill writing on paper, trophies, the stack of papers, wither skull, plate with food on it, stove top, kettle, Butterbrew, and Pumpkin juice. The lantern light source block would also be very appreciated. Any if not all of these would be very nice to have as additional thing to use when decorating but most of all I would like the middle table piece, cupboards, couches, and lantern light source blocks.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: neppie__
I have been building alot recently and I think that there should be mushroom stems because I can not build mushrooms in my mushroom scenery because if I do, they do not match.
I feel like there should additionally be the Droobledore figurine (Brewing stand with 2 bottles). The brewing stands are already in the mine depot but I have no where to buy bottles.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
Another thing is that there are no pink blocks apart from wool. I need pink for my housing so think is really sad.
Yes i talked about this is my post, but the block pallette for colors is horrible. Rn the only blocks of color that we have are terracotta and wool, and both aren't the best.


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Hello again, @Alex_Riddle and others that commented!

I'm happy to let you know that we have a range of furniture currently available now in the mine depot since this post, but unfortunately others cannot be added.

We cannot add pistons or mushroom blocks to the mine depot, as these are reliant on world edit to look correct. This means that the tables from the Great Hall, cupboards, pink wood, and wooden panels (such as those in The Broomsticks Inn) cannot be added. Unfortunately we will not be adding lanterns, as these cause significant lag as re-textured beacons. Stacks of paper are weighted pressure plates needing redstone, which is disabled on housing. Our Animal Statues need to be placed on armour stands, which are also not possible on housing. Hoppers would cause quite a big amount of lag if added.

However, we have added brewing stand functions to housing now, which means the quill writing on paper, trophies, plate with food, butterbrew, and Droobledore figurine are now all accessible. You can currently buy the couches/sofas from the common room, and a kettle is possible to create by combining the flower pot and dead bush! The pumpkin juice is possible by placing a cake and using our cake functions. The Stove Top (Dropper facing south) has been added to the mine depot, and we are looking into adding the Wither Skull soon.

Therefore, we will mark this suggestion as completed. Thank you to everyone that contributed their ideas on this suggestions and we hope you enjoy the new additions!