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Improve Higher Level Grinding


Minecraft IGN: Jacooob_
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Linked
Hello PotterWorld community,

I've not been around for a while, and with that i've not kept up to date too much with the forums, although I have checked here and there, so i'm not sure entirely if this has been suggested before, but I hope not!

As we all know, there has been the never ending discussion about levelling up, is too hard? is it just enough? Is it unfair for those living in the EU? Well I may have a solution.

I do personally believe, and no doubt as a citizen of Europe, my opinion may be biased, but levelling up in an EU timezone can be frustrating, we're lucky to get just 1 class a day, whereas those in American timezones get 3/4 a day. This is completely understandable, and unavoidable, not enough EU professors, totally makes sense, and nobody's fault! However I think we should definitely look at ways around this.

I myself right now, am at level 63, with the first 7th year quest already completed. (which btw gave me a measly 200k xp D: ) and I have 3.7million experience until level 64 (where I unlock my next quest). Being from the EU, classes are out of the question (relatively speaking), and quests are not available.

Not including voting, our only option is grinding mobs, which understandably is part of the game, although sometimes tedious was always intended to be part of the game.

Now everybody who's level 50 and above, remembers the days of running around, collecting a horde of 15 Bowleaf and killing them all at once with an AOE ability - a completely acceptable, and viable method of levelling up.

However, Myself and a few others have been looking for a "grindable" mob from levels 60+ and there is NOTHING. Right now the best thing I have found is Centaurs, which spawn roughly 3 at a time, and award 4000 xp. I'll do the maths for you, that is ALOT of hours, needed.

I guess what i'm trying to say is, without the ability to attend classes due to timezones, we're left with 1 option, and I think it would be a nice/good idea, to make the one option more viable and less tedious.

I guess the simple solution would be to just make a few mobs, from 60-70, spawn in a higher quantity, meaning AOE mob grinding is some what competitive with the people in the right timezone being able to get 50% of a level everyday just via classes.

Thank you all for listening <3

Feel free to let me know what you think below, I value and appreciate everybodys comments!


Notable Magician
One of the ways I came up with, and think would be a lot of fun would be to make potion brewing and baking more beneficial to players:
- You now only get a little bit of experience
- Most players don't really brew potions because, well, why would you need them? (I understand they have effects, but in my opinion, they are quite simple and boring effects)
- It's not very accessible

A few ways to combat this would be to:
- Make sure players earn much more experience from brewing and baking (maybe even add a few side quests involving brewing or daily quests!) (Another idea would be to add a new small system, where there would be NPC's maybe at the market who want to order a few potions, and you would have to brew them your self without having to do a whole quest. This can be really easy to implement: just add an NPC and randomize its orders)

- Add more potions with more cool effects! (A few potions don't need to be necessarily useful, like levitation, or a glowing potion, although they are cool and if lingering potions will be added this can actually be very fun to use in groups - or even against mobs lol)

- Enable potion brewing and baking in housings (This can be done by adding a 'set' to the shop which will give you all of the items for a brewing or baking set + a blueprint, to see the actual setup needed). This will make it much easier and fun for players to brew and bake because they can do it in their own houses/buildings! + It's easier to access it instead of having to find a building where you can brew and bake in a town.

I think these few points would make potion brewing and baking much more fun, and useful for players. This also gives another way to earn more experience in a unique way!


Minecraft IGN: Jacooob_
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Linked
I really like this idea, and and specially the idea of daily quests. Historically MMORPG's have daily quests and they're very successful.

You could even expand that idea to not just brewing and cooking but multiple things. Maybe for example you could visit The Half Giant once a day and help him "Pick up trash in the Dark Forest" or something..

I was on the server for around 10 hours yesterday, and spent about 9 of those hours just running around the Great Hall tables, because really that's all their is to do atm.

The thing is, i'd be MORE then happy to grind mobs all day everyday, if it was split with classes, daily quests, or other activities, but because it's not because i'm in the EU, it seems super tedious to grind 1 mob at a time for 8 hours, just to level up.


Notable Magician
I really like this idea, and and specially the idea of daily quests. Historically MMORPG's have daily quests and they're very successful.

You could even expand that idea to not just brewing and cooking but multiple things. Maybe for example you could visit The Half Giant once a day and help him "Pick up trash in the Dark Forest" or something..

I was on the server for around 10 hours yesterday, and spent about 9 of those hours just running around the Great Hall tables, because really that's all their is to do atm.

The thing is, i'd be MORE then happy to grind mobs all day everyday, if it was split with classes, daily quests, or other activities, but because it's not because i'm in the EU, it seems super tedious to grind 1 mob at a time for 8 hours, just to level up.
I understand, I also live in Europe and classes are often not available when EU players are online. Although Daily Quests do already exist if you don't know, but the problem is that they are always exactly the same, having them randomizes with these cool ideas which let players explore the world (without having to travel for 50 minutes on a broom to get somewhere) and complete interactive quests. I also like your idea about the Half Giant to pick up trash every day. This could maybe also give 1 Housepoint?


Minecraft IGN: Jacooob_
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Linked
Yeah man, like first class of the day today is 4am in EU. I've been the same level for like 4 days now, because the only way to level up is to and kill mobs for 10+ hours a day.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Hiya @tiggs_ !

Thanks for taking the time to make this suggestion! I am pleased to tell you that this has been accepted because we are already looking into these issues and attempting to find ways to solve them.

The Systems Team is currently re-balancing the formulas we use for approximating XP amounts to award from content. This means that the amount of XP that is awarded for doing quests, grinding mobs, going to classes and a few other things is going to be raised in the very near future. We also thought of changing the level formula itself but we decided changing the rewards is a safer option, as changing the formula could mess with a lot of stuff on backend that would potentially bug the server. If after this change players still struggle, we might also look at making further adjustments or increasing other things, such as the spawn rate of mobs.

Have a fantastic day!


Minecraft IGN: Jacooob_
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Linked
Hiya @tiggs_ !

Thanks for taking the time to make this suggestion! I am pleased to tell you that this has been accepted because we are already looking into these issues and attempting to find ways to solve them.
The Systems Team is currently re-balancing the formulas we use for approximating XP amounts to award from content. This means that the amount of XP that is awarded for doing quests, grinding mobs, going to classes and a few other things is going to be raised in the very near future. We also thought of changing the level formula itself but we decided changing the rewards is a safer option, as changing the formula could mess with a lot of stuff on backend that would potentially bug the server. If after this change players still struggle, we might also look at making further adjustments or increasing other things, such as the spawn rate of mobs.

Have a fantastic day!
Sounds great :)