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increase or decrease items sold at the vendor

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    Votes: 7 100.0%
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Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Takalo
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Linked
who hasn't been at the vendor once?
noone cause it is a nice little way of gaining a little gold by selling the materials earned in fierce battles against mobs.
I love selling my earned materials! If I sell them my inventory is full of either 64 or 16 counted items!
One problem though: after I sell the items my inventory is not satisfactorily empty but full of left over materials which makes me lose my mind.
At the Vendor you can (at the moment) only sell items in stacks of 20 for 8 gold per stack. oh oh! there will always be something left over in the inventory for us to sort them all back in our chests which is very tiring. 20 is such a bad number for selling stuff since minecraft is based on multiples of 16: the nundoom tails are only stackable up to 16 and therefore can't even make it to 20. I dont really care about how much gold you get after you either increase the sold items to 32 or decrease it to 16 per sell but PLEASE for the love of our inventories change it so that its divisible by 16!
Thanks for reading!

~Ju Crestello
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Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
If they changed it to 16 items, they might lower the Vendor's sell price from 8g to 7g or 6g.
If they did keep the sell price at 8g for 16 items, then that would be nice.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Takalo
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Linked
If they changed it to 16 items, they might lower the Vendor's sell price from 8g to 7g or 6g.
If they did keep the sell price at 8g for 16 items, then that would be nice.
unfortunately prices are 0.4 per drop right now and makes 6.4 for 16 and 12.8 for 32 so they'd slightly have to change the price. However I think its worth it


Minecraft IGN: ColaCinema
Dark Follower Serpent Vampire Linked
they could make a menu that changes the amount on what button you click, for example LEFT CLICK takes 16x and SHIFT LEFT CLICK takes 32x. they can also round up or down if needed. the point is that its just easy to sell.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Allandrk
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Linked
Hello, @Takalo

I am pleased to let you know this suggestion has been accepted and put on hold for the time being. We believe it makes sense to decrease the number of items sold to 16. We will pick this up as a low-priority QoL feature.

Thank you for creating this suggestion, and have a wonderful day!