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Inquisitorial Squad Updates

Hello everyone!

As you may have seen before in-game, we have a team within Community Management known as the Inquisitorial Squad. Before today, this team’s goal was to plan and execute Team Building Activities (TBAs) and staff-only events for the Potterworld team to bring the team closer together. After a few months of working on TBAs for the staff team, we have decided it’s time to expand our reach and work towards bringing the entire Potterworld community together.

Starting in September, the Inquisitors will be hosting Community Engagement time twice a month (to fit multiple different time zones). Our hope with this time is to bridge the gap between the staff team and players and better get to know the members of our Potterworld community.

Community Engagement would take place both on Discord and in-game, and will be focused on connecting with the community through fun activities and games. These activities could include one-time bonding or competitive games, kahoot or trivia challenges, and much more! All of these Community Engagement activities would be up to you if you decide to join the team!

With this in mind, we’d like to announce that applications to join the Inquisitorial Squad are now open! If you are interested in joining the team and working towards engaging the Potterworld community, apply here!

More information about Community Engagement will come closer to our first event. If you have any questions regarding the application process or these new Inquisitorial Squad changes, feel free to message the Lead Inquisitor on Discord.



Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: ShatterdHeart
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Builder SPEW Drooble's Order Arena Squire
Good luck to whoever applies for this position. :heart: