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Item Frame


Minecraft IGN: Nic30
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent Linked
first the item frames were used to display objects and therefore it was normal that they will cost 200 gold but now they are needed for each decoration it seems unfair to bag 150 gold for a sofa and then another 200 for a frame.

I think you should lower the prices of the shop and put the item frame at max 50 gold.

In case of lag you could update the plugin and put that in a house there can be a maximum of item frames (15/20)


Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked
Good day @Nicolas.D!

Thank you for bringing your suggestion to the threads! As we are always on the lookout for better ways to make our server a better place, your feedback is much appreciated!

At this time, I will be forwarding your suggestion to my fellow Poltergeists to get additional feedback on if we are to implement your idea or not. I will get back to you on our decision here so be on the lookout for future notifications from this thread!

Once again thank you for your suggestion, remember to take good care of yourself! <3

Kind wishes,


Minecraft IGN: bakakitten69
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent SPEW Linked
True! When I was a lower year and I didn't have as much gold, it certainly took a lot of gold to build a house. The furniture was already expensive but then I had to pay for the item frame on top of that.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Hiya @Nicolas.D!

Thanks so much for being patient while waiting for a response. Unfortunately this suggestion has been declined because item frames are entities and therefore cause lag if there's a lot of them. And, we believe their current price is a reasonable price.

Thanks to everyone who left feedback on this thread and we look forward to seeing more suggestions from you in the future. Have a fantastic day!