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January 2023 Dueling Tournament Sign-Up

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Head of Academics
Head Staff
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: Creme_de_Creme
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Head Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Drooble's Order Linked Faerie

Welcome to the sign-up thread for the January 2023 Dueling Tournament. This tournament is a 3v3 tournament that will take place on Saturday, January 21st at 12pm PST. Sign-ups will close on Saturday, January 21st at 11:50am PST.

How to join:
Comment your in-game name, your teammate's in-game names, and all of your houses on this thread. Once that is done, you will be signed up for the tournament! When the tournament begins, you'll be added by the Arena team. Please ensure you're online for the start of the tournament.

NOTE: If you wish to participate but do not have a team yet, comment only your IGN and house below and we'll pair you up with other players!

For more information on Dueling Tournaments, click here.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Kailen
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
HmuOnSnap (my grandma is playing not me what's a potterworld), Bastaii and BruceTheBender (he doesn't bend)


Minecraft IGN: ColaCinema
Dark Follower Serpent Vampire Linked
The rich and powerful Crestello Family is here
I am here to announce the following participants!
Cola_Crestello as @ColaCinema:serpent:
Hektor_Crestello as @HektorTM:serpent:
Death_Crestello as @Deathlish :poop:
For backup we have Ju_Crestello as @Takalo:serpent:
For backup of the backup we have Rain_Crestello as @RainTM :vampire:
For backup of the backup of the backup we have Carly_Crestello as @carlyx_ :phoenix:
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Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: EdenLovesMommy
Auralock Dark Follower Raven Linked
The rich and powerful Alzarin family is here
I am here to announce the following participants!
Eden_Alzarin as the best - raven
jacko as the best - serp
smellylilbro as the best - serp
For backup we have supercam
For backup of the backup we have supercam
For backup of the backup of the backup we have supercam
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