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January 2024 Hidden Coupon - Found

Greetings, witches and wizards!

We are excited to announce the release of this month's hidden coupon! Each month, we release riddles and puzzles around the world and on our store, with the first to crack the codes and find items in-game winning the month's coupon. This month we have continued to integrate a large amount of feedback to make the hunt even more enjoyable. For continuity, we will now be releasing the coupon on the third weekend of each month.

This gift card can only be obtained by one lucky player and is hidden well. It is difficult but rewarding to find!

Each gift card can only be obtained once and will give the player who finds it $5.00 to spend for free on our store! Owned coupons can be checked in /me and are valid for 6 months from release. These can be used to purchase items from our store and also lower the price you have to pay for items.

For this month's hidden gift card... Head to the store and find a cosmetic that will never leave your side!

Update (3rd February, 2024):
After much searching, the January 2024 hidden coupon has been found! Thank you to everyone who put their effort and time into searching for it, even if they were so close, but so far! We hope that the puzzles in this month's coupon hunt were enjoyable.

Please see below for this month's hidden coupon solution and the winners so far!

The January 2024 hidden coupon required players to solve a five-piece puzzle, the biggest yet! There was one initial store hint, and further hints were unlocked as items were found.

The first hint was on the Star Guardian: Reach for the stars when looking for the first item in the journey to January 2024's coupon! After a voyage of findings, finish by searching for the wizards and witches' best travelling companion.

The Star Guardian model could be found in Twinky's Telescopes in Vertick Alley. When the Star Guardian was found, it shared the following message: You completed the f irst part of the January 2024 hidden coupon. Here is a riddle for the next part: The next item can be found near mountains of wealth. Expand your wealth by being the first to obtain this month's coupon!

This led to The Royal Sceptre at the Leprechaun mob. When the wand appearance was found, it shared the message: You completed the second part of the January 2024 hidden coupon. Here is a riddle for the subsequent item: Don't hide away from this coupon just yet! You've made good progress, but this next item requires some deep and dark thinking.

This led to the Ruby Phoenix Mask at the Mysterious Manor. Finding the Ruby Phoenix Mask shared the message: You completed the third part of the January 2024 hidden coupon. Here is a riddle for the next item: You're on a roll! Not long now and you'll be closer to a life of cosmetic luxury with the coupon.

This led to the Regal Broom at Baybrooke Manors. Finding the Regal Broom shared the message: You completed the fourth part of the January 2024 hidden coupon. Here is a riddle for the next item: This person once needed an egg and asked for your help. Now, they do not need to worry because they have found a solution.

This led to the Pet Sneeler at Anthony Bolton's house in Tristmoor, and the previous riddle referenced his Reputation task. Finding the Pet Sneeler shared the message: You completed the fifth part of the January 2024 hidden coupon. There's no more riddles to find the final object!

Using the coloured letters from the three previous messages (f, b, d, d, b), players converted these 5 letters to numbers (6, 2, 4, 4, 2), referencing the entrance to the Ministry of Magic (which is also code for magic!). The final item was the Spellbook Warp Key, as also referenced in the first Tebex clue, and was hidden in a secret room off the side of a courtroom in the Department of Mysteries.

January 2024: _Navyy
December 2023: _Navyy
November 2023: Ellibear
October 2023: fxndomgeek
September 2023: evphorics
August 2023: Idris_
July 2023: _Navyy
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