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Java & Web Developer Applications: Open

Hey everyone!

We’re super excited to announce that for the first time in more than 5 years, we’re opening Developer applications!

We currently have spots open for Web Development and Java Development. If these are areas that interest you, we definitely advise you to check out the applications!

As a developer, you will have the opportunity to work on one of the biggest RPG Minecraft servers, learn new complex technologies and practices that are widely sought after in the real world, and the chance to work very closely with Potterworld’s leadership to design the server in ways you think will benefit.

If you’re not a coder yourself, but know people who you think would be interested, please share this link! We’re excited to finally be expanding our team :)

You can find the applications here, and in the navigation bar:
If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a message on Discord. :)

Thank you all! We hope to see some new faces join the Potterworld development team!
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