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Joining more then one guild


Minecraft IGN: TheVirgoKid101
Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire
I also agree with you. Right now I am part of the eggdog guild which I have a position in, and I am dedicated to stay in it. The problem is I also want to have a small guild for just my Saursplitter family to chat in. I think you should be able to join one public guild (where there's a lot of members, and different people to meet) and a private guild (for more small friend groups, or PW families, or a group of people you just like to roleplay with). Being able to join just at least 2 guilds would make life way easier. I hope that in one of the other guild updates that they add this feature.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf
I think joining two guilds would affect whatever they have planned for guild gameplay. For instance, if gameplay required players in each guild to acquire items or XP to level up a guild, then it would be unfair if there was a player in two guilds who might favor one guild over the other during gameplay - leaving their second guild alone whilst the players in that second guild could be left to pick up the slack.
If leaderboards were a thing for guilds, then maybe it might mess up how points are tallied for a player in two guilds unless they can easily sort that out.

Other than that, they can probably do two guilds per player, but forcing a player to choose which guild they want to do gameplay for during the duration of guild events. Or maybe make this second guild nonexistent for any guild gameplay events.

Jae ⊹₊ ⋆

Minecraft IGN: xMye
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Lore Master SPEW Lead Arena Master Lead
Hello @Alois_Kalakai!

Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. We completely understand why players would want to be part of 2 guilds. However, this would affect our plans for future gameplay in terms of guilds, and our tech is built on assuming the player is in 1 guild. This change would require us to rewrite all of guilds, and is also not something that we would like to do/does not make sense to be part of 2 guilds in terms of the idea of belonging to a guild/ is not done in any other games.

Regardless, thank you for making this suggestion, we hope to see more in the future! I hope you have a wonderful day/night:serpent: