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June 2020 House Cup

We’d like to congratulate Raven for being the winners of the second quarter of 2020!

Here is the final tally of house points:
:raven:Raven 28,271 points
:griffin:Griffin 25,245 points
:honeybadger:Honeybadger 23,908 points
:serpent:Serpent 23,516 points

Celebrations have now begun in the Great Hall courtyard and will remain until July 4th. The next House Cup will be rewarded on September 25th!



Minecraft IGN: oldromantics
Auralock Dark Follower Raven SPEW
Amazing job Ravens! So proud to be part of such a hardworking and amazing house. Let’s keep up the great work!


Minecraft IGN: ZADANeth
Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix
We’d like to congratulate Raven for being the winners of the second quarter of 2020!

Here is the final tally of house points:
:raven:Raven 28,271 points
:griffin:Griffin 25,245 points
:honeybadger:Honeybadger 23,908 points
:serpent:Serpent 23,516 points

Celebrations have now begun in the Great Hall courtyard and will remain until July 4th. The next House Cup will be rewarded on September 25th!
Dang, good job Ravens! You guys maintained that lead the whole time!


Minecraft IGN: TbhKate_
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Game Designer Linked
Nice job Ravens! You guys really deserve it :)