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Knight Bus location additions, Thoughts are welcome!


Minecraft IGN: WildKoekje
Honeybadger Dark Follower Werewolf
Hey so it's been a bit anyways so why not write another forum post?

This time I am here to say we have a hospital teleport for the bus but why are we only getting 1 direction from London?

May I suggest that wherever there's a bus stop for leave London and what direction to go into like maybe you press leave London then it comes up with another tab saying north east south west then if you hover over the buttons it tells you what is in that direction for activity wise? because for the hunting for Ella quests you had to run around London which really wasted a lot of time.. furthermore I do believe that this will be beneficial for those who want to explore around London and it's surrounding neighbors!

If you have thoughts as always let me know what you think!


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf
I think adding options for the North and South areas would make sense since there are roads leading out of that area on the main map. If they did do this, they would probably have to add the GUI option whenever a player physically walks through the tunnels when they're in the big London area. The GUI Option would ask if they want to leave to the North of South of London.
Unless that's confusing - just do your idea and add the option when they click on the Leave London section at the Knight Bus GUI lol.


Minecraft IGN: Tangular123
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Lead Prefect Discord Moderator SPEW Store Manager Lead
Hello @WildKoekje!

We think this is a great suggestion, as the current leaving London is finicky and you can go immediately back if you go the wrong way. We haven't figured out exactly how to implement this in the best way possible, but we would like to complete this in conjunction with this earlier change you suggested.

Thank you for your great idea!