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Let everyone use their Winter Waltz house prefix.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Allandrk
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Linked
So many new store items get released these past few events, there is no need to relate it to gameplay.


Minecraft IGN: oakyno
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
i second this so much. as someone who loves to buy from the pw store and tries to get drooble order monthly i would love to see everyone with their prefixes, not just people who buy for it. if droobles get an extra thing dont take away from everyones stuff and instead add something special thats new.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
Yeah... I don't know what they were thinking while making this decision, but Im sure they knew people would be upset and still decided to do it, which is sad.
Drooble's order should be something that people buy to support the server & get perks as a little "thank you", but making people buy it to show off their house & excluding everyone else is just lame.
Club penguin membership flashback. Definitely not a good first impression for the event.


Minecraft IGN: TallBlondeDude
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
Positive: Adding in a custom cosmetic for the drooble people (ex a free hat to match their house)
Negative: Removing a feature thats been present the last couple years behind a paywall


Minecraft IGN: GreatLordOz
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Linked Faerie
Agreed. Why was this even a design choice to lock the colors behind Drooble's Order in the first place???


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
Lol i haven't even played the event yet but if you guys locked the prefixes behind a paywall this year that's literally a joke. Would love to say I expected better but I did not I'm not surprised.

Playerbase is already unhappy, good job making them even more unhappy (y)


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
Lol i haven't even played the event yet but if you guys locked the prefixes behind a paywall this year that's literally a joke. Would love to say I expected better but I did not I'm not surprised.

Playerbase is already unhappy, good job making them even more unhappy (y)
good job for decorating the greathall again though (not sarcasm I actually do think that it's a nice touch)


Minecraft IGN: GreatLordOz
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Linked Faerie
Lol i haven't even played the event yet but if you guys locked the prefixes behind a paywall this year that's literally a joke. Would love to say I expected better but I did not I'm not surprised.

Playerbase is already unhappy, good job making them even more unhappy (y)
If the Server Team decided to lock the WW house prefixes behind Drooble's Order AFTER the Winter Waltz ended, I don't think a single person would have complained since the prefixes got taken away last year. Locking it during the event though is just lame.
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Minecraft IGN: Aglyn
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Professor Class Design Arena Grandmaster SPEW Linked Faerie