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Lockhart Family Lore

Lauren Lockhart

New Magician
Minecraft IGN: LaurLock
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Werewolf Linked

The Lockhart family originated in a small town in Fontainebleau, France. For generations, the Lockharts were purebloods, causing them to occupy magical jobs. Most pursued a career of Magizoology, others becoming magical healers. The Lockharts were very intelligent people, and passed such intelligence down to the younger generations. The Lockharts always seemed to be powerful people, being one step ahead of everyone. They were very protective of their family, protectiveness being something they valued. Protectiveness wasn’t their only value, though, they also valued honesty and bravery. Even when they valued honesty, they would never expose another family member for their wrongdoings no matter how much they swore by telling the truth. Fontainebleau was a beautiful place to live, yes, but soon became worn down after 40+ years of residing there. The Lockharts decided to move to London, hoping for new opportunities. The move didn’t go as smoothly as possible, and many of them lost their jobs. The Lockharts no longer had jobs, and were looking day and night for any open job positions. That was when they caught the attention of a worker at the Ministry of Magicians. They offered the Lockharts a job, and though they hesitated, they eventually became members of the Ministry. This is where they started their long line of an Aurorlock family. It took no time for them to work their way up as Aurorlocks, making themselves crucial parts of the Ministry. They were loyal to them, but ultimately believed that taking care of the people held greater value than upholding the law. Cecilia Ann Lockhart was born March 4th, 1955. She trained to be an Aurorlock all her life, and soon became one at the early age of 18. She had two older sisters, who both worked in the Ministry as well. She trained as a healer, working her way up to becoming a Guardian. She had two children, one being born in 1973, and another being born in 1978. One of the children was named Gabriel. Gabriel was born August 15th, 1978. He joined the Ministry as well, becoming a Dragoon. He was an experienced dueler, and soon, he met another Dragoon with the name of Rosalie. They became good friends, growing closer by the day. After about a year of friendship, they began their relationship. They got married in 1992, having their first child in 1995. Madeline Lockhart being born March 15th. Their second child was born five years later, in 2000. Sofia Lockhart was born November 15th, 2000. Their last child was born March 31st, 2003. Lauren Lockhart. All of the children are currently honoring their family, and working for the Ministry, just as the rest of their family did for generations.


Lauren Lockhart

New Magician
Minecraft IGN: LaurLock
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Werewolf Linked

The Lockhart family originated in a small town in Fontainebleau, France. For generations, the Lockharts were purebloods, causing them to occupy magical jobs. Most pursued a career of Magizoology, others becoming magical healers. The Lockharts were very intelligent people, and passed such intelligence down to the younger generations. The Lockharts always seemed to be powerful people, being one step ahead of everyone. They were very protective of their family, protectiveness being something they valued. Protectiveness wasn’t their only value, though, they also valued honesty and bravery. Even when they valued honesty, they would never expose another family member for their wrongdoings no matter how much they swore by telling the truth. Fontainebleau was a beautiful place to live, yes, but soon became worn down after 40+ years of residing there. The Lockharts decided to move to London, hoping for new opportunities. The move didn’t go as smoothly as possible, and many of them lost their jobs. The Lockharts no longer had jobs, and were looking day and night for any open job positions. That was when they caught the attention of a worker at the Ministry of Magicians. They offered the Lockharts a job, and though they hesitated, they eventually became members of the Ministry. This is where they started their long line of an Aurorlock family. It took no time for them to work their way up as Aurorlocks, making themselves crucial parts of the Ministry. They were loyal to them, but ultimately believed that taking care of the people held greater value than upholding the law. Cecilia Ann Lockhart was born March 4th, 1955. She trained to be an Aurorlock all her life, and soon became one at the early age of 18. She had two older sisters, who both worked in the Ministry as well. She trained as a healer, working her way up to becoming a Guardian. She had two children, one being born in 1973, and another being born in 1978. One of the children was named Gabriel. Gabriel was born August 15th, 1978. He joined the Ministry as well, becoming a Dragoon. He was an experienced dueler, and soon, he met another Dragoon with the name of Rosalie. They became good friends, growing closer by the day. After about a year of friendship, they began their relationship. They got married in 1992, having their first child in 1995. Madeline Lockhart being born March 15th. Their second child was born five years later, in 2000. Sofia Lockhart was born November 15th, 2000. Their last child was born March 31st, 2003. Lauren Lockhart. All of the children are currently honoring their family, and working for the Ministry, just as the rest of their family did for generations.
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