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Mail Box in Housing


Minecraft IGN: WildKoekje
Honeybadger Dark Follower Werewolf
So let us start this as a complaint: why are mailboxes not breakable with a pickaxes? that would make logical sense of they were.

Anyways I've come to suggest that the way to remove them (Shift right click) is added to the description much like some of the flowers that get changed into things when put in a pot or the furniture that needs an item frame to be placed they have notes on them so why aren't the mailboxes or other warnings put on the ones like it.

Please label some of the other items on the mine depot of how to remove them if they are different than a pickaxe to them.


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Hello @WildKoekje !

Thank you for bringing this up! We always appreciate players giving us feedback on parts of the server. Mailboxes are retextured end portals, so they cannot be broken by pickaxes, which is why we have implemented the shift+rightclick method to break them. We have now detailed exactly how to break them on the Mine Depot when purchased. We have also added detail on how to switch between cake models at the mine depot! Therefore, this suggestion is now complete!

Thank you again and we hope to see more suggestions from you in the future! I hope you have a wonderful day/night!