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Make a boss bar style compass


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Korgen
Honeybadger Dark Follower
I have been doing a lot of quests on Potterworld and I find myself spending most of the quest time running in circles looking for my objective. For example, I had been doing the first third year quest where you have to repair the wand. It instructs you to go to the Log shop in Hogsend, no further information on the location of this shop. I found myself circling the town for over 30 minutes looking at every building to find the right shop. Unfortunately a lot of quests are like this and the ones that give information are relative to other locations that are hard to find. What I am suggesting is a boss bar style compass.

Attached is a very crude drawing to show how I think it should work. Depending on the direction you are facing relative to the objective for your focused quest, it would display if you need to go left, right or if you are going in the correct direction. The boss bar value could be used to show how far in a given direction you need to turn.

Thanks for taking the time to read my suggesiton. If anyone would like me to explain my idea further or add on to my suggestion please do so.



Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
Floo Network's Harry Potter adventure map has it like this (Also displays "Above" "Below"), but once you have to find something like Neville's toad or hang the flyers on notice boards, it doesn't show the direction. But it always points to the quest/NPC/location at the start and at the end of said quest. That way players are more comfortable with the area and exploring (because there's always something to find):

And their Hogsworth

Shops have their respective names and signs and the town is built like a real one - with most of the shops on the main street, Compared to PW with undescribed houses with random colours and random hanging signs, where the only way to differentiate between shops is a Minecraft sign that's unreadable unless you're a few blocks from it.

And I swear to God if someone comes here saying "But it's to promote exploration" then I'll spam them with photos of all the empty houses with broken biomes in hogsend. :mad:


Minecraft IGN: ohhelloitsnick
Auralock Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked
i think this is a good idea! I would like to see just maybe a north south east and west at the top of the screen and some slight updates to the quests with directional locations, since you can still explore. i find that when i wander around i find more locations i need in the future.


Head of Community Management
Head Staff
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: jake_ft
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Head Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Lead Prefect Discord Moderator Lead Architect SPEW Store Manager Drooble's Order Linked Faerie
This compass could also show icons for nearby towns, banks and marketplaces, or just one for the next quest objectives.
This would be especially helpful to find the allegiance camps in the forest for Year 7 quests.


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW Linked
Hello @Korgen and everyone else!!

Thank you for taking the time to suggest and discuss this idea! Navigating in quests can be be very frustrating and this would be a helpful way to solve that! At this time I will bring your idea up with the Poltergeist team and from there we will discuss it. Once Leadership has made a final decision I will return with the answer so make sure to watch this thread!!
Thanks again and have a splendid day!


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW Linked
Hey @Korgen!

We appreciate this suggestion and apologies for the delayed response. Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. We currently have the boss bar for minigames. The Enchanted Compass is also used to help find locations around the castle, which we prefer over the boss bar as it uses current existing Minecraft mechanics. In the future, we want to use the map to display where players need to go. The map, Enchanted Compass, and Prefect NPCs will be used to guide players. There is no ETA currently for using the map, but that is a priority over the boss bar.

We hope you understand why this decision was made. Please continue to make suggestions as we love to hear what ideas you have to share! Thank you and have a fantastic day!