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Make a Real Exit to The Room of Hidden Things


Minecraft IGN: luckiestblock
EDIT: Apparently there are two seperate entrance/exit doors and I just didn't see the exit door, Sorry!

How exciting, another travel post!
But seriously this one is not really about travel and is more just suggesting a feature that many think is already here. So in the room of hidden things there is a vanishing cabinet that allows you to go from Hogsworth to Shade Ally and vice versa. However if you go from Shade Ally to Hogsworth you will learn that you can't leave the room to proceed to the larger castle.The door to enter Hogsworth is latched shut with no way to open (I have contacted staff and they have confirmed this). The only way to leave the room and go to Hogsworth to my knowledge is to set your home to Hogsworth and then teleport there but this is not ideal because you lose your previous home and have to wait the extra 10 minutes for the cool down to wear off.

Suggestion: Make it so you can actually enter Hogsworth from the Room of Hidden Things using the door so it functions as fast travel.
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Minecraft IGN: luckiestblock
There's been a door in that room that leads to the castle halls for ages, its on the east wall i believe
Maybe I am missing something but I think I found said door and it just wouldn't open. I contacted staff and they teleported to me and agreed saying that the issue has been reported multiple times. Once again if I am missing something please tell me .:D


Minecraft IGN: nathan1e
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
The exit door works perfectly alright for me? I rightclick the particles and it teleports me back to the seventh floor in an instant.


Minecraft IGN: luckiestblock
The exit door works perfectly alright for me? I rightclick the particles and it teleports me back to the seventh floor in an instant.
Maybe there are multiple doors and only one works? I don't know, if that is true disregard this post I guess, sorry. But I do know that the door you spawn next to when teleported to the Room of Hidden Things from Hogsworth at -124, -81 does not work.


Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Discord Moderator SPEW Game Designer Lead
Noted, thank you!

Feel free to use these forums for any other feedback or suggestions that you may have!