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Make Chests and Paintings less expensive


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Serpent Werewolf
Chests are a VERY important thing in every housing and they should be very easy to get, I'm not TOO bothered with the price, it's more the fact that Mine Depot prices has INCREASED since the update for some reason even though theres less way of getting gold. Seen as bank vaults still like to delete ur items, chests are very needed :( and paintings are 150 gold which is FAR too expensive for something not too important.
Chests are now the same as one daily reward
and Paintings are now the same as 3


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW
Yeh, the paintings was a bad "fix" to the lag problem - not a fix at all really, just make them unobtainable to most players. Have chests gone up in price or are they still 20 Gold?

Matt Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGMatt
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Hey Matty,

Firstly, thank you for bringing this up to us. It's good to see what people are thinking.

Unfortunately, after careful discussion, it has been decided that the prices of Chests and Paintings will remain at their higher values.
For Paintings, this is mainly because they cause increased lag on the housing server and having a ton of them would make the experience worse for everyone. We want to avoid that where possible.
For Chests, this is because we wanted to make storage a bit more limited. This means that people would need to manage their inventories better and can keep the more necessary items to save on that vital storage space.

Again, thank you for your feedback. I hope you have a good day!



Minecraft IGN: xNyn
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Im sorry but what does making storage more "limited" do with improving the server? Chests don't cause lag, their needed and way too high in gold. I don't get it :/


Minecraft IGN: KipxSateee
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven SPEW Sr. Poltergeist
Im sorry but what does making storage more "limited" do with improving the server? Chests don't cause lag, their needed and way too high in gold. I don't get it :/
Hiya, apologies for the delay. I've gone ahead and discussed your question with the team.

In this instance, it is because chests cause client-side lag because they are rendered differently than (other) blocks. While this lag may be more/less for one player than the other, we have to consider the majority of the players in this regard. As Matt mentions, we want players to manage their inventories where only the more necessary items are kept to reduce client lag as much as possible. As for making storing less limited, we are working towards releasing backpacks that will function as an alternative storage method alongside housing and the bank vaults.

For that, you can read more in this thread.

If you have any questions or comments about this, please don't hesitate to send us a message!

Regardless, I wish you a wonderful day! :)