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Make Harder Wiz PE Courses Worth More


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: RainbowElfe
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
tldr: the title speaks for itself

Other courses should be worth more AC in total than other courses. Wipeout and Whale, two of the hardest and easiest maps are on completely different levels, but give the same amount of AC once completed. Someone could spend 10 minutes on Whale and 40 on Wipeout and get the same amount of AC.

As someone who often completes all of the courses. I rather enjoy the much more difficult maps but of course, many players complain because it's too difficult and the AC just isn't worth it for them. They could be doing the much easier Whale or Colors, but nope, they got Wipeout or Hogsworth. I think people would be less inclined to leave mid-class and complain if the rewards, y'know, actually correlated with the difficulty of the course.

This is based on speculation, but I do remember that the harder maps were rarely played, which I assume due to their difficulty and how everyone would complain. Although it has gotten better than before (I recall attending Wizard's PE for over half a year straight, and Wipeout was only used once), I do hope changing the reward would increase the diversity of maps used during classes.

I'm not saying lower the rewards for easier courses but raising the rewards for difficult ones. i'd want to feel rewarded for completing more difficult courses. Of course, map difficulty is subjective, but the main consensus of difficulty is Whale -> Colors -> Story -> Hogsworth -> Wipeout, so I don't think it would be too hard to figure out what would be worth more.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
Unsure about this, because all of the WizPE parkour courses (except for the old magic courses) seem hard for me as I have never ever finished any of the normal parkours whenever I joined, so I could say that ALL of the courses should get an AC bump lol. So for me, this would only benefit the 10% of players in the class who are able to finish a parkour course. On average, I've only seen between 5 to 10 players finish a parkour course whenever I'm in the class and these players, who finish a course, are given the opportunity to do another parkour course of their choosing - I was told that they get 5 AC extra if they finish the second course.

Back to your idea - I like the idea of increasing the AC rewards based on parkour course difficulty, but map difficulty is subjective as noted above. You mentioned this though "Whale -> Colors -> Story -> Hogsworth -> Wipeout".

I don't know the final AC amount for finishing a parkour course, maybe the new scaling could be like this?
Whale - 15 AC or 15 AC
Colors - 20 AC or 15 AC
Story - 25 AC or 20 AC
Hogsworth - 30 AC or 25 AC
Wipeout - 35 AC or 25 AC
If the AC rewards are increased, then I think that there should be a maximum amount of AC that a player can get overall in the class. I'll use 40 to 50 AC as an example. So if players who finish the first course and are able to do another course afterwards, they should be able to do a course that's significantly lower in AC reward. If a player finishes Wipeout first, then their only option would be Whale, which equals to 40 to 50 AC.
OR, if they do finish a second course, then leave it at 5 AC and forget about the 40 to 50 AC max idea above.
OR, no more second courses because that's just too much AC?

mckenna varulv ❦

Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: xokenna
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
While, from a personal standpoint, I do like the idea of having higher AC amounts for harder maps, and think that it'd be a nice reward for those who can successfully finish the maps such as Hogsworth and Wipeout before the end of the class, it seems a bit unfair from a student standpoint?

Whale - 15 AC
My issue with this is that 20 AC seems like a fair amount for beating Whale. As you said, only 5-10 players typically finish a course, and I know as someone who attends Wizard's PE quite frequently (and only really finishes Whale) I personally wouldn't be too fond of the AC decrease.

40 to 50 AC seems like a LOT just for a parkour course. I understand Hogsworth and Wipeout are on the harder side of courses, but it seems like a bit too much. Maybe keep the 20 AC for the other maps and give Hogsworth and Wipeout 25?

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Hiya @RainbowElfe and everyone who responded to this thread!

On behalf of the Poltergeist team, we'd like to thank you for making this suggestion, as well as the feedback! After discussing it with the Leadership team, we have decided to decline it, unfortunately, as we believe the AC reward for the courses is currently balanced. By raising the AC reward, we’re concerned that this would only satisfy a small group, those who already earn a lot of AC from Wizard’s PE, compared to the server population, which would make it unfair.

We hope that you understand this decision, and regardless of this, we also hope that you continue to create more suggestions and share them in the near future! Thank you again and have a lovely day!