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make not pick house person in challenge


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Serpent Werewolf
im in serpent and i have like 1 active friend in serpent and they like caus eliek all my friends i g eiffins and badgers and ravens but like almost 0 in serpents so i got kicked for not having a teammate and like i shouldnt have to be gone for not being friends with serpent ppl :sob: and maybe tournametn s too idk. idk why u cant just give hP to people idek waaaaaaaaaaaaa


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Wizencouncil Class Helper SPEW Sr. Prefect
Hello Matty,
Thank you for making a suggestion for Potterworld!
I will now bring up your idea to the other Poltergeists so that we can discuss it and get back to you with a response.
Have a great day!


Minecraft IGN: xNyn
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Very good English, everybody.

Also I am so confuzzled what are u even suggesting? Are you saying you shouldnt be kicked if u dont have a teammate? CONFUSING


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven
I think he's saying that challenges shouldn't be based on houses because if you can't get a teammate, you can't participate. This is obviously true whether or not it's based on houses, but if, for example, there are 5 badgers and 7 serpents, there would be two people kicked for not having a teammate, but if they were allowed to team up, nobody would have to be kicked. It's not fair for people to not be able to attend a class purely because they don't have friends, or they struggle to make friends. It reminds me of the Some Room for Improvement post a while ago by a banned player, in which they mentioned an 'elite' group of players. I think this is similar to that. People who aren't in a group of friends would struggle to find a teammate, which then means you can't go to the class.

I have a feeling that this will be declined, because challenges are 'supposed to be about houses going up against each other, and you get housepoints as rewards' but I don't think that that's necessary. I don't see why a winner can be from a different house to another. If you are with a teammate from another house, you wouldn't throw because then your house doesn't get points. Yes, it would probably be preferable to have teammates from the same house, but kicking people for not having a teammate when there are other people also being kicked for not having a teammate just because you're not in the same house in a bit extreme.


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Serpent Werewolf
I think he's saying that challenges shouldn't be based on houses because if you can't get a teammate, you can't participate. This is obviously true whether or not it's based on houses, but if, for example, there are 5 badgers and 7 serpents, there would be two people kicked for not having a teammate, but if they were allowed to team up, nobody would have to be kicked. It's not fair for people to not be able to attend a class purely because they don't have friends, or they struggle to make friends. It reminds me of the Some Room for Improvement post a while ago by a banned player, in which they mentioned an 'elite' group of players. I think this is similar to that. People who aren't in a group of friends would struggle to find a teammate, which then means you can't go to the class.

I have a feeling that this will be declined, because challenges are 'supposed to be about houses going up against each other, and you get housepoints as rewards' but I don't think that that's necessary. I don't see why a winner can be from a different house to another. If you are with a teammate from another house, you wouldn't throw because then your house doesn't get points. Yes, it would probably be preferable to have teammates from the same house, but kicking people for not having a teammate when there are other people also being kicked for not having a teammate just because you're not in the same house in a bit extreme.
And EVEN if you have friends on the server (which i wud say i do), most of them won't be in the same house as you


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Wizencouncil Class Helper SPEW Sr. Prefect
Hello again!
As you may have already noticed, this suggestion has been implemented! We felt that many players were being restricted and prevented from attending challenges due to the house-based competitions, so we decided to change it. You can read more about this here.
Thanks again for suggesting this to us and have a wonderful day!