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Make the Calendar colours based on the classes that are taking place

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Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Takalo
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Linked
Looking at the Calendar on my phone looking for when my favourite class WizPE is being held I realized something: I have no damn clue what the colours in the calendar are supposed to mean. I saw some red WizPE classes.. then some green ones... I thought maybe its the professors that are teaching the class but that seems like also not being the case since there is so much green in it with different professors. I also couldnt find a legend to what the different colours mean... (Asking a very PW knowledged person (Ivan) I found out that it's the houses of the professors which I think is not really meaningful for the class since it doesnt matter what house the professor is)

Also it is very hard to see what classes are being held since the phone only shows the time when it's being held for some people and not the name or anything else (check picture below)
I think it would be easier for everyone to make the classes in the calendar different colours based on the Class that is being held and not the house of the professor (what colours is to be decided) with that it will be much easier to see when our all favorite class WizPE is being held and plan their day based on that.

I'm open to conversations about this topic just message me on discord (Ju#8161) or in the forum comments.
Thank you for reading this suggestion ;D
Picture of phone Calendar:

~Ju Crestello

Miki Willows-Vitale

Minecraft IGN: MikiMau7
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Sr. Professor Class Design Jr. Architect Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Hey! So I definitely agree with this personally, but I thought I’d let you know. Currently, the colours are whatever house the professor is in! Challenges are of course in purple. So wiz pe could be any of the house colours depending on what house the professor(s) are in at the time.

That being said, I do agree that this is a little confusing, and I feel like having a set colour for each subject would also be great!


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Takalo
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Linked
Hey! So I definitely agree with this personally, but I thought I’d let you know. Currently, the colours are whatever house the professor is in! Challenges are of course in purple. So wiz pe could be any of the house colours depending on what house the professor(s) are in at the time.

That being said, I do agree that this is a little confusing, and I feel like having a set colour for each subject would also be great!
It's nice to hear that a class helper agrees with me.

Miki Willows-Vitale

Minecraft IGN: MikiMau7
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Sr. Professor Class Design Jr. Architect Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
To be honest, it doesn’t really make sense to me anyway. There’s probably some reason that it’s done the way it is, and I can see at least one reason for why it may not be changed too. There’s almost 50 different subjects which may be taught at any time, though most of those no professors teach as of rn. This could cause issues with specific subjects having certain colours unless there were ‘groups’ of some sort (Wiz pe, dueling and flying might be on their own, but mythology and creature studies might be grouped etc)


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Takalo
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Linked
To be honest, it doesn’t really make sense to me anyway. There’s probably some reason that it’s done the way it is, and I can see at least one reason for why it may not be changed too. There’s almost 50 different subjects which may be taught at any time, though most of those no professors teach as of rn. This could cause issues with specific subjects having certain colours unless there were ‘groups’ of some sort (Wiz pe, dueling and flying might be on their own, but mythology and creature studies might be grouped etc)
they could be grouped in terms of writing classes or classes that are something on their own like Parkour or duelling/flying which could also be seen as competitive classes.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: littledead
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf DD Editor DD Producer Linked Faerie
Hello @Takalo ,

Thank you for your suggestion, unfortunately we are going to have to decline it. We quite liked this idea, however there doesn't seen to be an easy way to go about it for now. We would further have to consider how to categorize classes that can be an Activity, Interactive, or Notes, which some Professors don't know until the moment they begin the class, leading to an inaccurate color classification.

Nevertheless, thank you for taking the time to leave your suggestion, and have a wonderful day!