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Make volo an aoe


Minecraft IGN: Tuna2
I think volo should be an aoe because since you are able to cast it other's 1 at a time why not make it multiple people by shifting? and the duration should be the same depending on the duration and spell points the person has in and should be casted for you and you teammates/friends/party members.


Minecraft IGN: morrgannn
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Hello @Tuna2,

Thank you for taking the time to create this suggestion! We are always looking for ways in which we can improve our server. I will bring this up with the staff team and send a response as soon as possible!

Have a great day/night!


Minecraft IGN: Tuna2
Thanks I won't get my hopes to up high because not all spells are meant to be overpowered or upgraded some of them just needs to be left ungraded for other people's pace and time for it.


Minecraft IGN: morrgannn
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Hello @Tuna2,

At this time I am here to let you know that this suggestion has been declined. At the moment we would rather have Volo only be used on the user or someone else rather than have it as an AOE. In addition, this would take away the ability to earn the spell for lower levels once they reach it. Another concern is that this spell would also become significantly unbalanced in dueling, especially in team duels. We thank you again for taking the time to create this suggestion.

I hope you have an amazing day/night!


Minecraft IGN: Tuna2
Oh I understand of the unbalanced between in dueling teams now. Thanks for taking your time to read this 1 though! :D.