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Maps Rotation - January 2024

Hey everyone,
The Build Team has prepared a new minigame maps rotation for you to celebrate the new year with!

Minigame maps will rotate around every three months - you may expect maps to rotate during July, October, January, and April! This means that some maps will be disabled for certain periods to allow others to shine. Additionally, special-themed maps, such as event maps, will be accessible for the duration of the respective events and will not be part of the rotations.

We hope you all enjoy this quarter's rotation, and wish you a happy new year!



Melting Floor

[NEW] Monde Occulte Library

[Updated] Magical Schools

[Returning] Soulcruxes

[Returning] Ireland

Common Rooms

Room of Requisite


Hide and Seek

[NEW] Hogsend

[Updated] Greek City

[Updated] The Dwelling

[Updated] Ministry

[Returning] Shade Alley

[Returning] Wigtown

[Returning] Grimlotts


[Revamped] Ministry

[Returning] Pegasus Flight

[Returning] Hogsend

[Returning] Doughnut

[Returning] Quabbleball Field

[Returning] Story Race

[Returning] Mythical Creatures

1v1 Arena

[Updated] Castelomagia

[Returning] Silvermorne

[Returning] Passage of Revelation

Griffin's Hollow

The Dwelling


Great Hall




Bulgarian Pitch

French Pitch


Quabbleball World Cup

We are always open for feedback - if you have ideas for maps you'd like to see, or suggestions for current ones, please let us know in the Feedback and Suggestions section on our website.

Change log:
1. New Melting Floor map - Monde Occulte Library
2. The Magical Schools Melting Floor map was revamped to include Monde Occulte
3. New Hide and Seek map - Hogsend
4. Some hiding passages were blocked off in the map Greek City (Hide and Seek)
5. Some hiding spots were shuffled in the maps Ministry and the Dwelling (Hide and Seek)
6. The map Ministry (Flying) was revamped to include post-Revelius locations, and arrows were removed
7. The map Castelomagia (1v1 Arena) was updated to increase the dueling area

Monde Occulte Library (Melting Floor) - jake_ft
Magical Schools Update (Melting Floor) - jake_ft
Hogsend (Hide and Seek) - 0ceqn
Ministry (Flying) - ninaabina
