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Marketplace Catergories


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
So I don't actually use the marketplace at all (btw this is about player marketplaces / npcs) but whenever i do i just cant be bothered looking through everything to try and find smth i like, I think it wud be much more suitable to sort the items out like they already do with the official marketplace. As I said, dont rlly use it so im just throwing it out there


Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked
Good day @MattyPoltergeist!

Thank you for bringing your suggestion to the threads! We are always on the lookout for new ways to make our server a better place, so we are super appreciative of your idea!

At this time, I will be forwarding your suggestion to my fellow Poltergeists to get additional feedback on if we are to implement this idea or not. I will get back to you here so be on the lookout for notifications from this thread!

Thank you again for your suggestion, make sure to take good care of yourself! <3

Kind wishes,


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Hiya @MattyPoltergeist ,

This suggestion has been accepted, as we already have plans for this. A similar suggestion, which can be found here, had been brought up and was accepted.

We look forward to seeing more ideas from you in the future! Have a fantastic day!


Assistant to Head of CM
Head Staff
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: Tangular123
Assistant Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Lead Prefect Discord Moderator WizNetworker SPEW Media Lead Drooble's Order Linked Store Lead Faerie
Hi @MattyPoltergeist!

You bring up a great point about how difficult it was to navigate the player shops system. We originally considered adding categories to player shops, but will mark this suggestion as declined as we have instead implemented other ways to navigate player shops. Shop items can be sorted by name, category, price, and stock amount, to make it easiest for anyone to find what they need!

While this wasn't the exact implementation you suggested, we hope all enjoy this new addition to assist purchasing from players!