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Mettre une version française svp


Minecraft IGN: xxXperteXxx
Auralock Serpent
Je ne pense pas qu'il faut traduire toute en francais, parce qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup des joueurs francaises et c'est beaucoup de travail. Moi, je suis allmand, et on n'a pas traduit toute en allemand pour moi. Si tu joue un joue dans un langue étrangère, c'est une opportunité pour apprendre cette langue. Avant j'ai joué au Potterworld j'était nul en anglais (je suis nul en francais toujours :D), mais maintenant je compris beaucoup et les anglaises pouvent comprendre moi.

I don't think that a french translation of everything is required, due to the fact that there aren't many french players and translating everything is a lot of work. I'm from Germany, and nobody translated everything to German for me too. I see playing games in a foreign language as an opportunity to learn and improve in speaking this language. Before I began playing on Potterworld I was really bad at speaking English (and I'm still bad in French :D), but now I can understand a lot and the English speaking players do understand me (at least I think so :D).


Minecraft IGN: ChimpyNut
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Werewolf SPEW
There are indeed a couple of French people but like xxXperteXxx already said if you need to translate everything in the game it's a lot of work and a lot of languages because there are players all over the world. I do think it's a good idea to translate the starting quest when you first join the server in a couple of language so the new players understand everything how it works. But than only translate the quest at the start and not everything.


Minecraft IGN: daance
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent SPEW
Hello, thank you for your idea!

Unfortunately, we will not be implementing this. The server has tons upon tons of messages and simply translating them would take a very long time - plus we would need French-speaking translators to make sure the translations are intelligible and clear. We've also got many people from around the world and we'd need to translate the server into many other languages. Also, we've got a lot of our own lore terms that would be difficult to translate.
