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Minecarts for Grimlotts


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: jonvr
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven
So, I just now realized the minecart rail track in the Grimlotts Wizarding Bank again and wondered if you can actually use it with a Minecart. Fortunately I did have a Minecart in some random chest which i could use. It actually does work and it's quite fun to ride through the bank on the railway. The thing is though that those Minecarts are to my knowledge not obtainable anymore so there is a limited amount from players who got one a long time ago. My suggestion is to just add one NPC (Goblin) to the railway area where you can buy/get a Minecart to ride through the bank as that journey is really fun. It wouldn't be much effort to implement that as is is literally just needed to add one NPC to get Minecarts as the Minecart track is working as it is. I hope I'll see a new Goblin at Grimlotts soon so that new players can also experience the journey.


Minecraft IGN: Mireiia
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire
Hey there @jonvr !

Thank you so much for suggesting this! I honestly like this idea and therefore I will bring this up to my fellow Poltergeist Team. However, I am not entirely sure if this is possible due to lag, but it is definitely worth discussing! We will be updating you on this thread once a final decision has been made, so definitely keep an eye on it!

Once again thank you for suggesting this and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!!


Minecraft IGN: Mireiia
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire
Heya @jonvr !

I am happy to let you know that this suggestion has been accepted! We definitely think that this is something that players would enjoy. We are currently looking into making a minecart model, however if that doesn't work we'll switch back to a regular minecart. We are currently looking into this, but unfortunately there is no estimate on when it will be finished.

Thank you once again for creating this suggestion and I hope you have a magical day!